1925 Chandler City Directory

1925 Chandler City Directory


A & C GINNING CO. INC., Alex J. Campbell, manager, Delaware Ave.
Alvino, Art: blacksmith, resident of Mexican Town
Alcanter, Frank (Mary): teamster, home on Delaware St.
AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS: E. D. Ray, agent, south Arizona Ave.
Anderson, B. Eugene (Elizabeth): machinist, home on south California
Anderson, Edwin P. (Ida M.): farmer, home, 215 N. Dakota
Anderson, E. A. (Dick)
Anderson, Hannah: cook, San Marcos Hotel
Anderson, John: vice-president, First National Bank
Anderson, Thomas: rancher
Andrade, Robert (Pina): meat cutter, Pay 'N Takit
Appleby, G.: rancher: R. D. 1, Box 77
Arambula, Manuel (Josephina): billiards, east Boston
ARIZONA-MEXICAN PRODUCTION CO.: motion pictures, Boston St., corner of Arizona
AMERICAN KITCHEN: Charles Eckles, manager; on Boston, corner of Washington
Armstrong, George (Coralinn B.): plumber; home, 217 N. Washington
Arneil, Joseph D. (Belle C.): veterinarian surgeon, home on west Boston
ATTAWAY-CAMPBELL GIN CO. (Alex J. Campbell, manager; cotton ginners, south Delaware, on Southern Pacific Railroad track
Attaway, C. B.: R. D. 1, Box 11
Auble, Stella: grade school teacher
Austin, A. G.: R. D. 1: Box 2
Austin, Fred P. (Mary E.): superintendent, Chandler Public Schools; home, 225 N. Washington
Austin, Laura V.: lived with T. W. Austin
Austin, Thomas W. (Alice): rancher, home on California
Ayers, Perry E. (Ruth): collector, Love Motor Co., home on south Oregon


Baer, Mildred M. : high school teacher
Bagley, Amos H. (Helen G.): driver, Chandler Ice Co.; home on south Dakota
Bailie, Sam G. (Maude D.): secretary, Chandler Chamber of Commerce; home on north Colorado
Baldwin, Clarence A. (Emma H.): home on north Arizona Ave.
Bales, Arthur: student; home on north California
Bales, Ella: student; home on north California
Bales, Randall: chauffer; lived with W. A. Bales
Bales, William A. (Bessie): home on north California
BANK OF CHANDLER: A. J. Chandler, president; E. J. Koch, vice-president; F. E. Burridge, cashier; F. H. Bouton, assistant cashier; on San Marcos Place
Barackman, William G. (Kath): dentist, Boston, near San Marcos Place; res., R.D. 1
Barr, Orpha: widow of W. T.: 126 N. Washington
Basha, Isaac: clerk for N. N. Basha
Basha, Nejeeb N. (Nejeeby): dry goods business on Boston, at corner of Bristol; home, 320 N. Washington
Bassett, Mary Mrs.: assistant manager, San Marcos Hotel
Bearden, Albert (Vera): carpenter, home on north Dakota
Beatty, Claude: janitor, First National  Bank, home on south Colorado
Beatty, Sallie: widow of Stephen, lived on south Colorado
Beckman, Charles M. (Contilla): home on Oregon St.
Beers, Samuel E. (Elizabeth): painter, home on Dakota
Bennett, Charles: meat cutter, Pay 'N Takit; home on Boston
Bernard, A: R. D. 1, Box 34
Beye, Alma: high school teacher
Beye, J. W. (Larne): R. D. 1, Box 42
Beydler, William R. (Clara): manager, J. D. Halstead Lumber Co.; home on north Colorado
Black, John W.: restaurant on San Marcos Pl., near Boston
Bland, Ida: widow of W. E.; home on north Arizona Ave.
BLASINGAME NURSERIES: north 1st Ave., northwest corner of Van Buren, Phoenix
Boatwright, Tang D. (Odessa): chauffeur, Chandler Transfer Co.; home on north Dakota
Bolen, O.: R. D. 1, Box 126
Bolton, George L. (Anna): clerk, Pay 'N Takit; home on west Cleveland
Booth, Albert (Susie): laborer; home on south California
Booth, Barefoot (Chandler Bicycle Shop)
BOSTON CAFE: (H. J. Ellis), on east Boston, near Arizona Ave.
BOSTON HOTEL (Charles Eckles): Boston, corner of Washington
BOSTON POOL HALL: Walter Eckles, manager; on Boston, corner of Washington
Boswell, Charles (Georgie): laborer, home on north California
Boswell, Rufus: mechanic; home on north California
Bouton, Callie: 203 Commonwealth Ave.
Bouton, Floyd H. (Pearl): assistant cashier, Bank of Chandler; home on north Washington
Bouton, Sarah Mrs.: home on 233 N. Washington
Bradley, Lina Mrs.: lived with Y. Delci
Brady, Edward: auditor, San Marcos Hotel
Brechler, Leonard B. (Anne C.): chauffeur, home on Boston
Breckler, Anne C. Mrs.: phone operator, San Marcos Hotel; home on Boston
Brion, A. A.: R. D. 1, Box 71
Broadwell, Lawrence: apiarist: 247 S. Dakota
Brockett, Harry: salesman, Standard Oil Co.
Brockett, Lawrence D.: chauffeur, 130 S. Dakota
Brockett, M. Luther (Mary): janitor, high school; 130 S. Dakota
Brolliar, Daniel W. (Rose): home on north Dakota
Brookins, Mildred Mrs.: cashier, Pay 'N Takit; home on north Dakota
Brookins, Robert: yardman, J. D. Halstead Lumber Co.
Brookins, Roger: pharmacist, Gardner Drug Co.
Brooks, Beatrice: grade school teacher
Brooks, H. Edwin (May): carpenter; home on north California
Brooks, John P. (Irene): salesman, home on south California
Brooks, J. W.: R. D. 1, Box 109
Brooks, Washington A. (Mary): janitor; home on south Dakota
Brooks, William (Mary E.): carpenter, home on south Dakota
Brown, E. D.: salesman, Love Motor Co.
Brown, J. F. (E. M. Wilson & Co.); Casa Grande resident
Brown, J. W.: R. D. 1
Brundage, Leon: manager, Chandler Garage
Buelna, Lorenz (Theresa): laborer, home on south Delaware
Burnett, E. Elburn (Opal): mechanic, home on south Dakota
Burnett, C. Marvin (Ida M.): laborer, home on south Dakota
Burnett, O. O.: laborer, Stevens & Davis); home on south Dakota
Burns, George: R. D. 1, Box 136
Buckelew, J. W.: R. D. 1, Box 70
Burridge, Frances M.: grade school teacher
Burridge, Frank E.: cashier, Bank of Chandler
Byrd, Curtis (Ethel): home on north Dakota


Campbell, Alex J. (Florence): manager, A & C Ginning Co.
Carroll, Clifford C.: laborer, residence, S. N. Carroll
Carroll, Ella K. Mrs.: high school teacher
Carroll, John H.: laborer; resident, S. N. Carroll
Carroll, Samuel N. (Ola): rancher, home on south Dakota
Caudill, Willie S.: (Bessie): home on south California
CHANDLER ARIZONAN P. R. Mitten, editor and publisher; 109 Commonwealth Ave.
Chandler, A. J. (Charlotte): president, San Marcos Hotel Co. and president, Bank of Chandler; home, San Marcos Hotel
CHANDLER BICYCLE SHOP (Barefoot Booth), Washington
CHANDLER CAFE (F. M. Duff): San Marcos Place
Chandler Chamber of Commerce: Sam G. Bailie, secretary; Boston, southeast corner of south Arizona
Chandler City Court: F. V. Howey, judge, City Hall
CHANDLER GARAGE: Leon Brundage, manager; Commonwealth Ave.
CHANDLER GINNING CO.: O. G. Johnson, manager; Delaware Ave.
CHANDLER-GOODYEAR STAGE LINE: Arizona, corner of Boston
Chandler Grade Schools: Fred P. Austin, superintendent; Mrs. A. M. Seaver, principal, north Oregon
Chandler High School: Fred P. Austin, principal; south Arizona Ave.
CHANDLER ICE CO.: Walter Busby, manager; Mrs. E. Robichaux, secretary-treasurer; foot of south Delaware
CHANDLER IMPROVEMENT CO.: A. J. Chandler, president; Ernest J. Koch, secretary and manager; real estate development; San Marcos Place
Chandler Junior Chamber of Commerce: Charles Mitten, secretary
CHANDLER LAND & SECURITIES CO.: A. J. Chandler, president; Ernest J. Koch, secretary and manager; San Marcos Place
CHANDLER LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. INC.: A. D. Hartley, president; south Washington, near Boston
CHANDLER-MESA STAGE LINE: San Marcos Place, corner of Commonwealth Ave.
Chandler Police Dept.: J. F. Sparks, marshall, City Hall
CHANDLER TRANSFER CO.: (E. T. Rowland): trucking, transfer, heavy hauling, storage; San Marcos Place, corner of Boston, Telphone 110, and Phoenix, 4439 
CHANDLER WATER & POWER CO.: A. J. Chandler, president; E. J. Koch, secretary; San Marcos Place
Chandler Women's Club: Mrs. F. J. Curtis, president
Chavis, John (Ella): barber, home on south Colorado
Chitwood, Charles R. (Mary E.): carpenter, home on Dakota
Chitwood, Cliff C.: student, res, C. R. Chitwood
Chitwood, Mabel: stenographer, Bank of Chandler
Choy, C. H.: clerk, San Marcos Hotel; home on Oregon
Christian Church: Cleveland
Christian, Herman L. (Anna): carpenter, home on south Dakota
Christian Science Reading Room: Monroe Cottage, north Oregon
Christian Science Society: north Colorado, corner of Cleveland
Church of Christ: Cleveland and California
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; east Buffalo, corner of Colorado
City Hall: south Arizona Ave.
Coder, Eliza J.: widow, D. J.; home on west Boston
Coffman, David W. (Eliza): home on Commonwealth Ave.
Coffman, Roy: clerk, Gardner Drug Co.; home on Commonwealth Ave.
Cohen, Jacob: billiards; San Marcos Place; home on Boston
Collins, Harry J.: instructor in charge, San Marcos Golf Club
Conner, Jasper D. (Vivian): carpenter; home on Cleveland
Contos, Andrew: home on south California
Contos, George; home on south California
CONSOLIDATED CANAL CO.: R. J. Chandler (A. J. Chandler?) , president; E. J. Koch, secretary; San Marcos Place
Cooper, Ezbon E.: teacher at Goodyear School
Cooper, G. Austin: high school teacher; home, 130 S. Dakota
Cooper, Jessie I.: Goodyear School teacher
Cox, Earl R. (Lena): barber, Mack McGuire; home on north Dakota
Craft, Anna Mrs.
Crenshaw, Benjamin M. (Clara W.): real estate, on Boston, near San Marcos Pl., home on Boston, near Dakota
Crisp, David B. (Clara): farmer; home on north California
Curtis, Lyman A. (Pearl): clerk, Lemon Bros.; home, 140 S. Dakota
Curtiss, Fred J. (Pearl): grade school teacher; home, 300 N. Washington
Curtiss, Vienna: teacher, home, 300 N. Washington
Curty, L. D.: R. D. 1: Box 6
Cushman, Grace C.: high school teacher


Damon, William F.: R. D. 1, Box 53
Dance, Harvey W. (Josephine): home on south California
Daniels, Etta Mrs.: bookkeeper; lived with S. N. Carroll
Daniels, Henry J.: foreman, lived on east Boston
Davec, Violetta: operator, Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co.
Davis, Arthur C.: foreman: lived with Britt Rodgers
Davis, Earl C.: student, lived with M. A. Davis
Davis, E. J.: laborer, Chandler Ginning Co.
Davis, Lonnie T. (Lillian): laborer; home, 310 N. Dakota
Davis, Marshall A. (Etta): laborer; home on California
Davis, Merle L.: lived with M. A. Davis
Davis, Palmer M.: miner, lived with Britt Rodgers
Davis, Thomas C. (Wessie): (Ste