1926 Chandler City Directory



Abril, Jose (Josefa); home on south Delaware
Acheson, Edward G.: clerk, Standard Oil Co.
Adamson, Florence B.: lived with G. H. Adamson
Adamson, George H. (Hannah): carpenter; home on north Dakota
Adamson, Oren R.: carpenter, lived with G. H. Adamson
Aguila, Jesus (Esperanzo): laborer, home on south Delaware
Ahumada, Luis (Rita): laborer, home on south Delaware
Albarez, Epifanio (Irene): home on south Delaware
Alcanter, Frank (Mary): teamster, home on north Delaware
Allen, Joseph H. Rev. (Cassie): pastor, Church of Christ, home, 203 W. Boston
Allison, Jno: blacksmith, for Henry Stewart
AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS: W. S. Candill, agent; on San Marcos Place
Amvisco, Antonio (Cruz): laborer, home on south Delaware
Anderson, Edgar L. (Bertha): home, 133 S. California
Andrade, Robert (Pina): meat cutter, Pay'N Takit
ARIZONA INVESTMENT SERVICE : James A. Dorsey, manager; investment counselors, 21 S. Central Ave., Phoenix
Armstrong, George (Carlan): plumber, Reliable Hardware Co., home, 116 N. Dakota
Arneil, Joseph D. (Belle): home on Boston
Asidler, Anna: lived with Beatrice Kay
ATTAWAY-CAMPBELL GIN CO.: A. J. Campbell, manager; south Delaware at Southern Pacific tracks
Auble, Stella: grammar school teacher; lived at Plaza Hotel
Austin, Fred P. (Mary): grammar school teacher; home, 225 W. Washington


Bagley, Amos: chauffeur for E. C. Grasty
Bailey, William D. (Myrtle): laborer, home on west Buffalo
Bailie, Samuel G. (Maude): secretary of Chandler Chamber of Commerce, home on north Colorado
Baldwin, Clarence A. (Emma): home on north Arizona Ave.
Bales, Arthur E.: clerk for H. C. Gardner, lived with W. A. Bales
Bales, Ella B.: student; lived with W. A. Bales
Bales, William A. (Bessie): carpenter, home on north California
BANK OF CHANDLER: A. J. Chandler, president; E. J. Koch, vice-president; F. E. Burridge, cashier; on west Boston
Barr, Orpha (widow of W. T.): librarian, Chandler Public Library
Basha, Isaac N.: clerk for N. N. Basha; home at 320 N. Washington
Basha, Nejeeb N. (Nejeeby): general merchandise store on east Boston; home at 320 N. Washington
Bearden, Albert (Vera): carpenter, home on north Dakota
Beatty, Claude: janitor, lived with Mrs. Sallie Beatty
Beatty, Sallie (widow of Stephen): home on south Colorado
Beckham, Anna L.: student, lived with C. M. Beckham
Beckham, Charles M. (Tilla): carpenter, home on north California
Beckham, Roderick, C.: lived with C. M. Beckman
Bedell, Ervin E. (Christine): home on north California
Beers, Samuel E. (Elizabeth): painter, home at 667 N. Dakota
Begley, Amos H. (Helen): driver; home 228 S. Dakota
Bellsmith, Frank T. (Marian): receiver, Love Motor Co.; resident of Phoenix
Bennett, James E. (Ruby): machinist: home at 229 S. Dakota
Beydler, William R. (Clara): home on north Colorado
Birdwell, Daniel F. (Pearl): supply agent for Standard Oil Co. of Calif., home on north Oregon
Bland, Ida (widow of W. E.): home on north Arizona Ave.
BLASINGAME NURSERIES: north 1st Ave. northwest corner of Van Buren, Phoenix
Boatright, David W. (Lena): laborer; home on north Dakota
Bolton, George L. (Anna): clerk, home on west Cleveland
Booth, Albert (Susie): farmer; home on south California
Booth, Frank; lived with Albert Booth
Booth, Nellie A.: waiter, for Road Runner Cafe; lived with Albert Booth
BOSTON HOTEL(Charles Eckles), east Boston corner of Washington
Bouton, Callie: teacher, home 203 Commonwealth Ave.
Bouton, Floyd H.: assistant cashier, Bank of Chandler
Bouton, Sarah Mrs.: home at 233 N. Washington
Bradley, Anna F.: Grammar School teacher, home at 209 W. Commonwealth
Brainerd, Harry D.: salesman for O. S. Stapley; home in Mesa
Breaton, Harry F. (Mae): home on south Oregon
Breckler, John (Anne): driver, home on Boston
Breed, John W. (Stella): clerk, home on north California
Brewster, Marshall: salesman for Lemon Bros.
Brillhart, William R.: mechanic for Chandler Motor Co.
Brittenham, Rosa B.: student, lived with W. B. Millett
Brockett, Harry (Doris): salesman for Standard Oil Co.; home on north Oregon
Brockett, Lawrence D. (Leone): machinist; home at 202 S. California
Brockett, Martin L. (Mary): janitor, home at 130 S. Dakota
Brockett, W. H.: janitor at High School
Brooks, Arthur L.: home on south Oregon
Brooks, Pearl E. Mrs.: cashier at Pay'n Takit; lived with William Brooks
Brooks, Washington A. (Mary); home at 249 S. Dakota
Brooks, William (Pearl): salesman, home on north Colorado
Brooks, William Jr.: student, lived with William Brooks
Brown, Edward D. (Irene): salesman; home on north California
Brown, Harry A. (Viola): (Chandler Motor Co.): lived with H. F. Breaton
Burge, William: clerk, lived at 121 S. California
Burridge, Frances: High School teacher, lived on Washington
Burridge, Frank E.: cashier, Bank of Chandler
Butler, William F. (Barbara): pastor, First Methodist Church; home on north California
Butterfield, Shirley: mechanic for Love Motor Co.


Calatrez, Juan (Maria): laborer, home on north Delaware
Campbell, Alex J.: manager, Attaway-Campbell Gin Co.
Campbell, William F.: manager, Chandler Transfer & Storage Co.: P.O. Box 51
Cannon, James E. (Eva): electrician: home on north Oregon
Carroll, Ella K. Mrs.: teacher, Grammar School; home at 123 N. Dakota
Carroll, Jno: E. machinist: 121 S. California
Cathey, Clemmie: home on west Cleveland
Caudill, William L. (Bessie): driver, American Railway Express; home at 212 S. California
CHANDLER ARIZONAN: P. R. Mitten, editor and publisher; 109 Commonwealth Ave.
Chandler, A. J. (Charlotte): president, San Marcos Hotel Co.; president Bank of Chandler; lived at San Marcos Hotel
Chandler Chamber of Commerce: Sam G. Bailie, secretary; Boston, southeast corner of Arizona
Chandler City Council: Park R. Mitten, mayor; G. R. Armstrong, E. C. Grasty, A. M. Harmer, J.E. De Souza, members
Chandler City Court: F. V. Howey, judge, City Hall
Chandler City Hall, south Arizona
CHANDLER GINNING CO.: O. G. Johnson, manager; Delaware Ave.
Chandler Grade Schools; north Oregon, corner of west Cleveland
Chandler High School, north Arizona Ave.
CHANDLER IMPROVEMENT CO.: A. J. Chandler, president; Ernest J. Koch, secretary and manager; real estate development; San Marcos Place
CHANDLER LAND & SECURITIES CO.: A. J. Chandler, president; Ernest J. Koch, secretary and manager; on San Marcos Place
CHANDLER LUMBER & SUPPLY CO.: W. G. Vaughn, manager, south Washington
CHANDLER-MESA STAGE: San Marcos Place, corner of Commonwealth Ave.
CHANDLER MOTOR CO.: (H. A. Brown, Amon Underhill): south Washington
Chandler Police Dept.: J. F. Sparks, marshall; City Hall
Chandler Public Library: Mrs. Orpha Barr, librarian; on Boston near Arizona
CHANDLER TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.: William F. Campbell, manager: heavy hauling, storage; south Washington St., Phones 110 and Phoenix, 4439, P.O. Box 51
Chavis, John N. (Ella): barber, George Henry; home on south Colorado
Chitwood, Charles R. (Mary): carpenter, home on 210 S. Dakota
Chitwood, Mabel: teller, Bank of Chandler; home 210 N. Dakota
Chitwood, Philip: carpenter, 210 N. Dakota
Choy, Charles H.: carpenter, home on north Oregon
Christian Church, west Cleveland
Christian Science Society: north Colorado, corner of Cleveland
Church of Christ: Rev. J. H. Allen, pastor; Cleveland and California
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, east Buffalo, corner of Colorado
Church of the Nazarene: Rev. T. V. Cox, pastor, south Oregon
Club, James D. (Faye): machinist; home on north Dakota
Coder, Elizabeth J. (widow, D. J.): lived with J. D. Arneil
Coffman, David W. (Lydia): 311 Commonwealth Ave.
Coffman, Roy: clerk, 311 Commonwealth Ave.
Conner, Jasper D. (Vivian): carpenter, home on west Cleveland
Contos, George: restaurant on San Marcos Place
Cooper, E. E. E.: teacher, High School; resident of Goodyear
Cooper, Jessie I.: High School teacher; resident of Goodyear
Cox, Rev. Thomas V. (Mary): pastor, Church of the Nazarene, home, 119 S. California
Craft, Anna Mrs.: curios, Buffalo, corner of San Marcos Place
Crenshaw, Benjamin M. (Clare): real estate on west Boston
Curry, William W. A. shoe repairman, south Washington
Curtiss, Fred J. (Pearl): Grammar School teacher; 300 N. Washington
Curtiss, Vienna I.: 300 N. Washington


Dance, Harvey W. (Josephine): home on south California
Daniels, Henry J.; lived with Mrs. Dolores Morata
Dattel, Betty: lived with R. E. Shack
Davis, Doy A.: student, lived at 304 N. California
Davis, Elija J. (Emma): farmer, home on north Dakota
Davis, Eugene: laborer, 304 N. California
Davis, Hattie, Mrs.: home on north Dakota
Davis, Jack A. (Etta): mechanic, 131 S. California
Davis, Marshal A. (Etta): laborer, 304 N. California
Davis, Robert F. (Louvina): tinner, 242 N. Dakota
Davis, Thomas C. (Wessie): ginner, home on south Dakota
Dawner, Ray: porter for J. H. Tate
Dean, Robert C. (Mary): electrician, home on south Oregon
Delci, Hilario (Lydia): laborer, home on south Delaware
Delci, Lena: clerk, L. P. Serrano & Bro., lived with Hilario Delci
DeSouza, James E. (Aline): cashier, Chandler Improvement Co., home on east Buffalo
DeWitt, James V.: meat cutter, Pay 'n Takit; home one mile east of city
Dorrough, Esther Mrs.: clerk, P.O. ; 210 N. Washington
Duff, Belle R.: teacher, high school, home on north Oregon


Eckles, Charles (Boston Hotel) and groceries on east Boston, corner of Washington
Edwards, Bertha: high school teacher, lived with Mrs. E. L. Edwards
Edwards, Emma L. (widow of George): home on north Washington
Edwards, irene: high school teacher, lived with Mrs. E. L. Edwards
Edwards, Lawrence:lived with Mrs. E. L. Edwards
Edwards, Leonard: clerk, lived with Mrs. E. L. Edwards
Edwards, Lucille: lived with Mrs. E. L. Edwards
Eldredge, Daniel K.: laborer, lived with Clarence Sellers
Eldredge, Lola G. K. Mrs.: home on north Colorado
Eldridge, Daniel (Mary): home on south Oregon
Ellis, Henry J. (Grace): (Road Runner Cafe) and restaurant on west Boston, southwest corner of Oregon
Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church: west Cleveland
EMPIRE PUBLISHERS INC.: publishers of Southside Weekly, The Five Points Star, Arizona State Miner, Paradise Valley Voice, 504 Mill Ave., Tempe
England, Cecil: bookkeeper, Bank of Chandler
Enright, John P.: sheet metal worker, south Washington
Entrikin, Lawrence J. Jr. (Nellie): home on north California
Episcopal Guild Hall: north Washington, corner of Cleveland
Esber, Alex (Victoria): dry goods, Boston near Arizona; home on Oregon
Esparza, Juacin (Josefa): laborer, home on south Delaware
Estrella, Ray (Ruth): chauffeur, Chandler Transportation & Storage Co., home on south Delaware


Farmer, Benjamin (Lena): 140 S. Dakota
Felts, Lizzie (widow of G. Z.): 133 N. Oregon
Felts, Lois K.: 133 N. Oregon
Felts, Luther: 133 N. Oregon
Ferguison, Elias W. (Hanna): home on west Boston
Finch, Clarence A. (Cora): teacher, 117 S. California
First Church of Christ: Commonwealth Ave.
First Methodist Church: Rev. W. F. Butler, pastor, north California
Fletcher, Irma: lived with G. M. Matthews
Fletcher, John D. (Anna): laborer, home on south Oregon
Fosler, Augusta (widow of John):  137 S. California
Foster, Jene (Neilie): ginner; home on west Boston
Friedberg, Joseph (Julia): clothing, Arizona near Boston; lived at Plaza Hotel
Fuller, Harley W.: clerk, Union Oil Co., lived two miles north of city


Gaber, Joseph R. (Ruth): salesman, home on north Oregon
Gann, George (Pearl): home on Commonwealth Ave.
Gardner, Dorothy: student; 224 N. Washington
Gardner, Hazel: high school teacher, home on Cleveland
Gardner, Hugh C. (Florence): drugs, San Marcos Place;home 224 N. Washington
Garms, Gladys: high school teacher; 209 Commonwealth Ave.
Garms, Jessie W.: grammar school teacher; 209 Commonwealth Ave.
Gastelum, Peter (Rosie): blacksmith, home on south Delaware
Gauvez, Ramon (Juana): laborer, home on south Delaware
Gaylord, Beatrice K.: student, lived with W. M. Gaylord
Gaylord, William M. (Hattie): groceries, Boston near Arizona Ave.; home on south Oregon
GERRARD S.A. & CO. (br?): Southern Pacific tracks and Delaware
Gibson, Irving L. (Margaret): pharmacy, J. B. Weber; home on north Colorado
Gibson, John: pressman, lived with I. L. Gibson
Gibson, Margaret B. Mrs.: grammar school teacher, lived on north Colorado
Gilbert, Kramer M. (Bessie): physician, Boston near San Marcos Place; home on north Colorado near Buffalo
Gipe, Howard C. (Ruth): stenographer, Chandler Improvement Co.; home on north California
Goble, Corbin L. (Anna): lived with J. L. Young
Golden, Hiram (Susie): 325 N. Dakota
Gonzalez, Frank (Emelie): home on north Colorado
Graham, Hazel: lived with Beatrice Kay
Grasty, Emmett C. (Julia): ice manufacturer on Delaware Ave.: home on north Arizona Ave.
Green, Edna E. Mrs.: art goods at San Marcos Hotel; Phoenix resident
Gregg, James A.: mechanic, Chandler Motor Co.
Griffith, Dio D. (Myrtle): plumber, home on north Colorado
Grosh, George V.: salesman, Standard Oil Co.; Goodyear resident
Gussa, Arvin A. (Emily): welder on east Boston; home on north Dakota


Halbeich, Joseph (Mary): dry goods, San Marcos Place
Hakes, Clayton H. (La Rue): home on north Colorado
Hall, Carrie Mrs.: waiter, Road Runner Cafe
HALSTEAD, J. D. LUMBER CO.: J. M. Shearer, manager, south Washington
Hamblen, Orville (Emma): home on south Dakota
Handley, Otho N. (Lily): assistant cashier, Chandler Improvement Co.
Hansen, Ora: high school teacher, lived at Gilbert and Higley Roads
Hare, Y. R.: restaurant on east Boston
Harmer, Alvin M. (Nella): pharmacy, H. C. Gardner, home:  20 N. Arizona Ave.
Harris, Walter J. (Wilda): clerk, Pay 'n Takit; home on north Dakota
Harshey, Dewey H. (Leona): carpenter, home on north Dakota
Hayes, Ethel (widow of David): home on north California
Hayes, Frank: home on north California
Hayes, Jasper L. (Idella): tailor 119 W. Boston
Heffner, Wayne: garage on south Arizona Ave.; home 1 1/4 mile northeast of city
Hegelund, Ella: grammar school teacher, south California
Hegelund, Kate: grammar school teacher, south California
Heisser, Katie: clerk, for J. W. Lesueur
Henry, George: barber: San Marcos Place; home, 3 miles northwest of city
Henry, John G. (Leonora): carpenter, home on north California
Henson, William W. (Laura): shoe repair, 113 W. Boston
Hicks, Eva: residence with W. H. Palmer
Higgins, Lavon O.: farmer; home, 127 S. California
Higgins, Lowery E.: machinist, home, 127 S. California
Higgins, Ray: machinest, home, 127 S. California
Higgins, Roy (Ruy): home at 206 S. California
Higgins, Sarah J. (widow of J. A.): home, 127 S. California
Hoak, E. K.: vice-president, San Marcos Hotel Co.; resident of San Marcos Hotel
Hoggard, James W. (Elbie): home on north Dakota
Hoggard, Martin J : home on north Dakota
Hoggard, William H. (Arizona); home on north Dakota
Holdren, Floyd: student; lived at 102 E. Buffalo
Holdren, Mildred G.: student, home, 102 E. Buffalo
Holdren, Oris (Ruth): home, 102 E. Buffalo
Howey, Frank V. (Emma): town clerk, treasurer and police judge; home, 307 Commonwealth Ave.
Huleatt, Clarence F. (Mary): home on north Dakota
Hull, Everett: watchman, home on north California
Hull, Frank A.: chauffeur, Chandler Transportation & Storage Co.
Hunsaker, Anne (widow of Gordon): home on south Colorado
Hunsaker, C. Ivan: farmer, lived with Mrs. Anne Hunsaker


Ingram, Dolphin W. (Letha): salesman, home on south Oregon
Irwin, Troy N. (Eura): watchman, home on north Dakota
Islas, Joaquin Mrs.: home on Boston near Colorado
Islas, Otila; lived with Mrs. Joaquin Islas
Islas, Trini: waiter, lived with Mrs. Joaquin Islas


Jack, Jesse (Noma): auto repair on east Boston
Jackson, James: clerk, Charles Eckles, resident of Boston Hotel
Jackson, Roy A. (Nellie): grammar school teacher, home on north California
James, Rose Mrs.: home on north Dakota
Jerez, Alonzo (Alberta): laborer, home on south Delaware
Jiles, Richard: rancher; home at 121 S.California
Johnson, Clyde (Ida); clerk, lived with Mrs. M. E. Resner
Johnson, John (Edie G.): farmer,  home on north Colorado
Johnson, John H. (Eloise): machinist, home on north Dakota
Johnson, Matthew (Fannie): laborer, home on north Dakota
Johnson, Orville G.: manager, Chandler Ginning Co.
Jolner, Ralph (Ada): conductor; home at 137 S. California
Jordan, Berma L. Mrs.: grammar school teacher; lived with Mrs. Ida Bland
Jordan, Fred C. (Berma): physician on Commonwealth Ave; home on north Arizona Ave.
Joyner, Ada Mrs.: waiter, H. J. Ellis; lived at 127 S. California


Kay, Beatrice; home on north Dakota
Keener, David A. (Elsie): lawyer on west Boston; resident of Plaza Hotel
Kinard, John W.: farmer; home on  north Dakota
Kinard, Miller M. (Mattie): farmer; home on north Dakota
Kinison, Helen M.: grammar school teacher; lived with Mrs. Maud Kinison
Kinison, Maud Mrs.; teacher; lived on north Oregon
Koch, Ernest J. (Rafaela): vice-president, Bank of Chandler; secretary, San Marcos Hotel Co., secretary and manager, Chandler Land and Securities Co., and secretary and manager, Chandler Improvement Co.; home on north Colorado
Krebs, John W. (Ethel): blacksmith; home on south Colorado
Kuntz, Henry (Bertha): gardener, home on Commonwealth Ave.


Laguna, Antonio (Carmen); home on south Delaware
Landrum, Luther W. (Althea): barber, home on north Dakota
Lang, Ralph: clerk, W. H. Lang
Lang, William H. (Elmina): gas station on north Arizona
Lawhon, Essie: student; lived with Mrs. Josie Lawhon
Lawhon, Josie Mrs.; home on north California
Lawhon, Sidney L.:carpenter Mrs. Josie Lawhon
LEMON BROS. (H. G. Lemon and R. G. Lemon): hardware store on south Arizona 
Lemon, Hubert G. (Gladys) (Lemon Bros.); home on Chicago
Lemon, Roy G. (Tillie) (Lemon Bros.): home on south Oregon
Lesueur, James W.: dry goods on San Marcos Place; resident of Mesa
Lewis, Sarah A. (widow of T. J.); home on north California
Link, Albert (Francis): gardnener, home on Commonwealth Ave.
Lisonbee, J. Lorenzo (Eda): farmer, home at rear of 217 N. Washington
Little Bertha (widow of W. G.); home on north Oregon
Lopez, Antonio (Felipa): home on south Delaware
Lorenz, Mary P. Mrs.: curios, San Marcos Hotel; lived on east Boston
Lorenz, William: lived with Mrs. Dolores Morata
Lorenz, William (Mary): riding academy on east Boston
LOVE MOTOR CO., F. T. Bellsmith, receiver of autos, on Boston, corner of Washington
Lovelace, Leo: police; home, 220 S. Dakota
Loye, Sing: restaurant on east Boston
Lukin, Abe (Lucille): grocery, San Marcos Place; home on north California
Lukin, Elmer B.: student; lived with R. E. Shack


McAdams, Andrew C.: carpenter, home on north California
McAdams, Bernice: student, lived with Mrs. S. A. Lewis
McBrayer, William D. (Laura): farmer, home on south California
McBride, John H. (Willie): carpenter, home on west Cleveland
McCampbell, Ralph (Bernice): manager of Pay'n Takit, home, 307 E. Washington
McClellan, William R. (Jane): carpenter, home, 237 S. Dakota
McCoy, Charles B. (Eva): rancher, home on east Buffalo
McCoy, Enid: high school teacher, lived with C. B. McCoy
McCoy, Gordon: student; lived with C. B. McCoy
McCutcheon, James R. (Margaret): billiards, San Marcos Place; home on north California
McCutcheon, Johanna Mrs., home on north California
McCutcheon, Ralph: student, lived with Mrs. Johanna McCutcheon
McGoughey, Otto M. (Fay): mechanic for Wayne Heffner; home on Chicago
McKerracher, Daniel (Belle): lived on west Boston
McKinnon, Enoch: laborer, home on north Dakota
McKinnon, Lilly: (widow of J. C.): lived with W. C. McKinnon
McKinnon, William C. (Ruby); laborer; home on north Dakota
McNeil, George (Ruth): foreman, Chandler Arizonan, home, 207 W. Boston


Madrigal, Michael (Amalomorita): laborer, home on south Washington, near Boston
Martinez, Nick: clerk, Pay'n Takit; home on east Boston
Martinson, Lorenzo E. (Virna): machinist: home on south Dakota
Massey, Opal: clerk to high school superintendent; lived with Clarence Sellers
Matthews, Gray M. (Myrtle): carpenter, home, 238 N. California
Meason, James M.: physician on Commonwealth Ave. and health officer for town of Chandler, home on north Arizona Ave.
Meehan, George T. (Bessie): painter, home on north Delaware, near east Buffalo
Melton, Evan: clerk, home, W 207 Boston
MENHENNET THEATRE: Albert Straus, manager, on west Boston
Metcalf, Bert H. (Bess): janitor, high school, home, 212 N. California
Methodist Episcopal Church: Cleveland, between California and Dakota
Middleton, Stanley (Ruby): electrician, home on south Oregon
Miller, Joseph R. (Anna): apiarist, home on south Dakota
Millet, William B. (Lucy): laborer, home on north Dakota
Mitten, Charles A., lived with P. R. Mitten
Mitten, Park A. (Irma): editor, Chandler Arizonan and mayor of Chandler; home on Buffalo, corner of Colorado
Molina, Serafin (Catalina): carpenter, home on south Colorado
Monroe, Susie: stenographer, lived with L. J. Entriken Jr.
Moore, Francis: student, lived with William Brooks
Moore, Mary F.: grammar school teacher on west Commonwealth
Moore, William O. (Mary F.): general contractor, 211 Commonwealth Ave.
Morato, Dolores Mrs.; home on east Boston
Morgareidge, Alva T. (Halcyone): manager, Reliable Hardware Co.; home on north Oregon
Morgareidge, Clayton: student; lived with A. F. Morgareidge
Morgareidge, Kenneth: student, lived with A. F. Morgareidge
Morrison, Oscar C. (Maye): engineer, home on north Dakota
Moss, Laura A. (widow of Samuel): home on north Oregon
Mumford, Jennie T., lived with R. A. Jackson
Murray, Joseph S. (Lillian): high school teacher, home on north Dakota
Muse, Dale R., lived with R. C. Muse
Muse, Rutherford C.: barber, home on north Dakota
Myers, Launah: high school teacher, lived at Plaza Hotel


Najero, Alfonse: home on south Delaware
Neat, Fred (Lucille): home on north Oregon
Nelson, Evan: clerk for H. C. Gardner; home on west Boston
Nering, Paul C. (May): home, 317 N. Dakota
Nesbit, Samuel: billiards, east Boston
Noreiga, Frank: clerk, J. B . Weber
Norton, Ira L.: manager, Mrs. M. E. Norton; lived at north Oregon, corner of west  Cleveland
Norton, Maggie E. Mrs.: grocery and gas station on north Oregon and west Cleveland


Onley, Verne (Winifred): dairyman, home on north California
Ontiveros, Dolores, lived with Leonardo Ontiveros
Ontiveros, Leonardo (Crespina): home on south Delaware
Openshaw, Ralph (Pearl): warehouseman, home on Boston
Openshaw, Thelma: bookkeeper, Bank of Chandler
Ortega, Refugio (Mercedes): home on south Delaware
Osorio, Gabriel: cook, home on south Delaware
Othon, Amelia: waiter, H. J. Ellis; lived on east Boston
Othon, Josephine: waiter, H. J. Ellis; lived on east Boston 
Othon, Rosa Mrs.: cook, H. J. Ellis, home on east Boston
Ozlas, Maria: home on south Delaware


Padilla, Estelle: home on south Delaware
Palmer, William  H. (Icia): machinist: home on north Dakota
Parrish, Earl P.: second hand goods, east Boston
PAY'N TAKIT NO. 6: Ralph McCampbell, manager, San Marcos Place
Payne, Fern (Sina): carpenter, home, 310 N. Dakota
Peedey, Leon L.: farmer, lived with Mrs. E. J. Davis
Perez, Antonio (Celeste): laborer, home on north Delaware
Perez, Donatilla: laborer, lived with Ricardo Perez
Perez, Ricardo (Inez): laborer, home on north Delaware
Peterson, Henry L. (Cora): home, 210 N. Washington
Phelps, Alberta: stenographer, lived with J. M. Phelps
Phelps, Joseph M. (Frances): mechanic, home on north Dakota
Phelps, J. Lawrence; lived with J. M. Phelps
Phelps, Rebecca: high school teacher, lived on California
Phillips, Alonzo R. (Elizabeth): clerk for Chandler Ginning Co.; home on north California
Pick, Gladys: grammar school teacher; home, 203 Commonwealth
PLAZA HOTEL: Mrs. Martha Stow, manager; Boston, corner of San Marcos Place
Polensky, Julia: waiter, Road Runner Cafe
Pollard, Lena M. Mrs.: grammar school teacher; lived at Buffalo and Colorado
Polley, Maud S.: grammar school teacher; lived on east Colorado
Porter, Joseph S.: clerk, O. S. Stapley Co.; lived 1 3/4 mile southeast of city
POST OFFICE: A. H. Sellers, postmaster; west Boston, opposite San Marcos
Powell, Dee: clerk, Pay'n Takit
Powell, Guy (Faye): home on north Dakota
Price, Arthur E. (Louise): lawyer, Monroe building, home on north Washington
Pyne, Levi N.: farmer, home on north California
Pyne, Olive R.: lived with L. N. Pyne


Ramirez, Frank: laborer: home on south Delaware
Ray, William M. (Jewel): home at 123 S. California
Reaves, John M. (Clemie): farmer, home, 133 S. Dakota
Rebas, Francisco (Lola): laborer, home on south Delaware
RELIABLE HARDWARE CO.: A. T. Morgareidge, manager, on west Boston
Resner, Mary E. Mrs.: home on north Dakota
Reyes, Refugio: home on north Delaware
Roach, Robert T. (Helen): home on north Washington
ROAD RUNNER CAFE (H. J. Ellis): Arizona Ave.
Roberts, Clyde A. (Ruby): salesman, home, 126 W. Washington
Roberts, Mary Mrs.: home, south Oregon
Robertson, Irene: high school teacher: lived at Gilbert and Higley Road
Robertson, John (Mamie): golf instructor, home on Boston
Robinson, Grace P. Mrs.: resident manager, San Marcos Hotel
Robinson, Will H. (Grace): writer, 220 W. Washington
Rodgers, Bert M. (Jalie): machinist, home on north Dakota
Rodriguez, Frank (Leona): laborer, home on south Washington near Boston
Ross, Fredk (Lula): home on north Oregon
Ross, Joshua E. (Hattie): home on north Oregon
Rountree, Guy H. (Minnie): janitor, grammar school, home on north Dakota
Rountree, Thelma: teacher, lived with G. H. Rountree
Rountree, Winfred: student, lived with G. H. Rountree
Rowland, Crede W.: salesman for Wayne Heffner, lived with Mrs. Jeannetty Rowland
Rowland, Jeannetty (widow of J. C.): home on Boston
Rucker, Leonard F. (Barthena): carpenter, home at 135 S. California
Rumley, Reston (Bana): dry goods, San Marcos Place, home on south Oregon


Samorano, Manuel (Marguerita): home on south Delaware
SAN MARCOS GOLF CLUB, 1/8 mile east of The San Marcos
SAN MARCOS HOTEL, SAN MARCOS HOTEL CO., proprietors;  Mrs. G. P. Robinson, resident manager; San Marcos Place, corner of Buffalo
SAN MARCOS HOTEL CO.: A. J. Chandler, president; E. K. Hoak, vice-president; E. J. Koch, secretary; San Marcos Place, corner of Buffalo
Sarna, Jose (Clementine): home on south Delaware
Sawyer, Ethel B.: high school teacher, Goodyear resident
Seaver, Anna N. Mrs.: high school teacher, resident of Plaza Hotel
Seavers, Winifred Mrs.: 334 N. California
Sellers, Arthur H.: postmaster
Sellers, Clarence H. (May): salesman, Standard Oil, home on north Colorado
Serrano, Albert P. (Dolores): ( L. P. Serrano & Bros.), home on north Washington
Serrano, George P.: clerk, L. P. Serrano & Bro., home on Boston
Serrano, Louis P. (L.P. Serrano & Bro.); home on Boston
SERRANO L.P. & BRO. (L.P. and A. P.): dry goods, on Boston near Arizona
Servilino, Bautista: 122 Boston
Sevilla, Eduardo (Freda): home on south Delaware
Shearer, J. Marion (Myrtle): manager, J. D. Halstead Lumber Co., home, 233 W. Washington
Shee, Lee: grocery on south Arizona Ave., near Boston
Shrigley, William M.: laborer,  home on north California
Sierraz, Frances: home on south Colorado
Sierraz, Pedro: lived with Frances Sierraz
Skousen, J. Grant: mechanic, Love Motor Co.
Slack, R. Earl (Nellie): barber on west Boston; home on north California
Slaughter, Letha C.: teacher at Goodyear Colored School
Smith, Joseph (Lucy): cattle buyer, home, 121 S. California
Smith, Walter N. (Mora): bakery, San Marcos Place
Sneed, Ether: clerk, Albert Straus, lived on Oregon
Sorey, James K.: cleaner, Wayne Heffner
Sparks, Irene N.: student; home, 148 S. Dakota
Sparks, Joseph F. (Maude): city marshal and street superintendent, City Hall; home, 148 S. Dakota
STANDARD OIL CO. OF CAL: D. F. Birdwell, supply agent, east Boston, corner of Delaware
Stapley, L. Erwin (Lillian): manager, O. S. Stapley Co.; home on north Colorado
STAPLEY, O. S. CO. INC.: L. E. Stapley, manager; agricultural implements, on east Boston
Steel, Mayme M.: lived with Orville Hamblen
Stevens, Alvin: clerk, Chandler Motor Co.: home, Rt. 1, Box 138
Stevens, Benjamin C. (Frances): engineer for G. C. Grasty
Stevens, Samuel D. (Julia): 122 N. Colorado
Stevens, Willie: lived with S. D. Stevens
Stewart, Charles D. (Cecelia): home on north Delaware, corner of Cleveland
Stewart, Henry: blacksmith on east Boston
Stillwell, Jake A. (Alma):  carpenter, home on north California
Stow, Mark (Bertha): lived at Plaza Hotel
Stow, Martha Mrs.: manager, Plaza Hotel
Straus, Albert: manager, Menhennet Theatre and confectioner on west Boston
Stringer, Charles: lived with G. E. Stringer
Stringer, Granville E. (Nettie): farmer, home on north Dakota
Stringer, Irene: student, lived with G. E. Stringer
Stroud, Ethel M. Mrs.: teacher, Grammar School, home on north Colorado
Stroud, Le Moyne Mrs.: teacher; home on north Colorado
Sturgeon, Ernest A. (Mary): driver, home on south Colorado
Sturgill, June Mrs.: home on north Oregon
Swader, Carl (Bernice): chauffeur, home on north Dakota
Sweat, Virgie Mrs.: home on west Cleveland
Swindle, Charles J.: laborer, lied with M. F. Swindle
Swindle, Monroe F. (Sarah): blacksmith on east Boston; home on south Colorado


Tate, Bertha M.: high school teacher; lived at 346 N. California
Tate, Charles F. (Lesbia): carrier, Post Office; home, 346 N.California
Tate, John H. (Emma): billiards on west Boston, home at west Boston, corner of Dakota
Tate, Luicille: student, lived at 346 N. California
Tennant, Clyde (Bernice): carpenter, home on Oregon
Teufert, John F. (Mabel): dentist on west Boston; home on Buffalo
Thomas, J. Wesley (Velma): laborer; home on south Dakota
Thompson, Carl: chauffeur, Chandler Transfer & Storage Co.
Thude, Simon: salesman, Wayne Heffner
Timmons, Anna E. Mrs.: home on north Dakota
Torrez, Vivian: carpenter; home on south Delaware
Travis, Harley A. (Mattie): clerk, Reliable Hardware Co.; home on north Dakota
Treat, Laura: clerk, home, 300 N. Washington
Trinkle, Josie M.: chiropractor on Boston, near Arizona; lied with Mrs. Winifred Seavers
Tucker, James S. (Ruth): farmer, home on south California
Tyler, Glen: lived with R. M. Tyler
Tyler, Robert M. (Charlotte): 314 N. Washington


Underhill, Amon (Vera) (Chandler Motor Co.); home on west Cleveland
UNION OIL CO.; gas station, north Arizona
UNION STOCK YARDS: Southern Pacific tracks, half mile south of depot
Orton, William R. (Velma): lived on east Boston


Valencia, Mary: clerk, J. W. Lesueur
Vance, George A. (Martha): home on north Colorado
Vance, Orlen: student, lived with G. A. Vance
Vaughn, Ellis D. (Eria): lived on west Boston
Vaughn, W. Gentry: manager, Chandler Lumber & Supply Co. on south Washington
Vest, Robert H.: bookkeeper, Chandler Improvement Co.: home, Rt. 1, Box 59
Vogt, Ralph R. (Ellyn): carpenter, home on east Boston


Wah, George Y.: grocer on east Boston
Wah, Joseph: grocer on south Arizona
Walker, Bailey J. (Rachel): home on north Chicago
Walker, M. C.: clerk, J. R. McCutcheon
Wallis, Luther (Kathryn): blacksmith; home on south Oregon
Ward, Robert E. (Josephine): machinist, home on south Oregon
Warren, Mathilda Mrs.: home on north Oregon
Watts, Harold (Mary): teacher, home, 139 S. California
Weber, Esther J.: student, lived with J. B. Weber
Weber, John: student, lived with J. B. Weber
Weber, John B. (Louella): drugs on Boston, southwest corner of Arizona; home on west Boston
Wilkins, Alva E. (Lee): engineer, home on north Oregon
Willis, Amasa (Edna): home on north California
Willis, Chester: clerk, Union Oil Co.: lived 3 miles east of city
Willis, Erma: lived with Amasa Willis
Wilson, Clarence M. (Marvel): home, 210 N. Arizona
Winn, David: home, 350 N. Delaware
Winn, Roscoe: laborer N. Delaware
Worley, Arthur B. (Dora): carpenter, home on north Colorado
Worley, Artie B.: lived with A. B. Worley
Worley, Boone M.: lived with A. B. Worley
Worley, Leola: lived with A. B. Worley
Worrell, George W. (Rosa): home on north California


Yontz, Ralph E.  (Nettie): watchnmaker, San Marcos Place; home, 350 N.California
Yontz, Ralph E. Jr.: 250 N. California
Yontz, Sidney: student; lived at 350 N. California
Young, Albert S. (Anna): farmer, home on north Dakota
Young, John L.: carpenter, home on south California
Young, Lilburn L.: farmer, home on north Dakota
Young, Lilly B.: lived with L. L. Young


Ziehr, William: janitor, high school; lived in Goodyear
Zushua, Pedro (Yolanda): laborer: home on south Delaware