1920 Chandler City Directory
Abbey, LL., house, California St.
Adams, Glenn: salesman, N.Y. Merc. Co., residence, Miss M.E. Glenn
Adams, J.E. (Caroline A.): rancher
Akers, W.H.: rancher
Alcantar: Frank (Mary): teamster, house Delaware St.
Aldridge, Daniel K.: ranch hd, residence, Mrs. L.G.K. Aldridge
Aldridge, Lloyd: ranch headquarters, residence, Mrs. L.G. K. Aldridge
Aldridge, Lola G. K. Mrs., house Dakota St.
Allison, John J. (Effie): blacksmith, Boston St.; house Colorado St.
Andersen, Thomas: rancher
Anderson, John: vice-president, First National Bank
Apodasea, Albert (Rosie): barber, Boston St.
Appleby, G.B.: rancher
Arambula, Manuel: billiards, Boston St.
ARIZONA HARDWARE & LUMBER Co.: G.E. Mineah, manager
Armstrong, George R. (Coralinn B.): salesman, Reliable Hardware Co., house Dakota St.
Armstrong, James N. (Daisy E.): rancher
Armstrong, Lyman B.: rancher
Arneil, Joseph D. (Belle C.): veterinarian surgeon, house Boston St.
Arnold, Daniel M. (Caroline): bookkeeper, Chandler Garage, house N. Washington St.
Arvizo, Peter (Lizzie): salesman, Lukin Cash Groceries, house Delaware St.
Attaway, C.B.: rancher
Averill, James H., house Delaware St.
Bailey, William H. (Florence): carpenter, house California St.
Baker, Alfred (Luanna): rancher, Chandler Improvement Co., house California St.
Baldwin, Clarence A. (Emma H.): cashier, Bank of Chandler, house on Arizona Ave., southwest corner of Cleveland
BANK OF CHANDLER THE: A.J. Chandler, president; C.A. Baldwin, cashier; San Marcos Place corner of Commonwealth Ave.
Barackman, William G.. (Katheryn): dentist, Boston near San marcos Place
Barrow, Jennie B.: Chandler grade school teacher
Baxter, George G. (Mazie J.): supply agent, Standard Oil Co., resident Hotel Chandler
Beall, Cyrus D. (Beall & Thrailkill)
BEALL & THRAILKILL (C.D. Beal, K.D. Thrailkill): real estate, loans and insurance; First National Bank Building
Beardsley, Nell A.: telegrapher, Arizona Eastern Railroad Co.
Bardwell, James G.
Barfuss, Max
Barnette, Aldine F.
Barnette, Dora Mrs.
Barney, Olney B.
Beardsley, Herbert G.
Beckham, Charles M. (Quentilla): sheriff, house Oregon St.
Begley, W.J.: rancher, Chandler Improvement Co.
Benedict, George: corral Washington St.
Benn, Hans: rancher
Bennett: C.C.: rancher
Bentley, Maude: waiter, San Marcos Hotel
Berry, W.E.: rancher
Beye, J.W.: (Larne): rancher
Billings, Fred: rancher
Bilue, John W.: residence K.R. Bilue
Bilue, Kinchen (Ruth), house California St.
Black, Eugene C.
Black, E.B.: rancher
Black, William T.: driver, Smith & Shumate
Bland, Ida, widow, Edward, residence, F.C. Jordan
Bleak, Richard M.
Borquez, Manuel: barber, Washington St.
BOSTON HOTEL: Charles Eckles, proprietor, furnished rooms, Boston corner of Washington
(ILLEGIBLE SECTION Seven names are partially obscured here because something was covering part of them when a copy was made.)
Branaman, Agnes C., widow J.S; home, Dakota St.
Breechler, Leonard S.
Breshears, Nathan (Mahala); home, California St.
Brockett, Harry: mechanic, Chandler Garage
Brimhall, O.: rancher
Brion, A.A. (Margaret): rancher
Brockett, Jewel B.: bookkeeper, Bank of Chandler; residence M.L. Brockett
Brockett, M. Luther (Mary): laborer; home, Dakota St.
Brooks, William (Pearl): auto supplies; residence, Mesa
Brown, Audrey Mrs., home, Dakota St.
BROWN, BERT O.: distributor, Chevrolet Motor Cars and Trucks, 316-318 E. Washington; Phone 1963 Phoenix
Brown, Bessie Mrs.; home, Dakota St.
BROWN BROS. (John L., D. Luther, Grover P.): clothes cleaners, Boston St.
Brown, Clarence H.: rancher
Brown, D. Luther (Brown Bros.)
Brown, Elvis: rancher
Brown, E.D.: rancher
Brown, Ford: student, residence, Mrs. Audrey Brown
Brown, Grover P. (Brown Bros.)
Brown, G.P.: salesman, New York Mercantile Co.
Brown, John L. (Brown Bros.)
Brown, J.W.: rancher
Brown, Marshall: rancher
Brown, Robert O. (Nora M.): carpenter, home, California St.
Brown, W.P.
Bufanda, Jose (Perlina): laborer, home Delaware St.
Burns, R.W.: rancher
Burns, Vinna Mrs.
Burridge, P.E.: assistant cashier, Bank of Chandler
Butterfield, Raleigh (Lillian): mechanic, Chandler Garage; home, California St.
Byars, Wirt E. (Lelia)
Calhoun, Eugene B.: student, residence, J.E. Calhoun
Calhoun, John C.
Calhoun, Joseph E. (Georgia M.): painting contractor, Dakota St.
Calisher, Joseph: clerk, The Leader; residence, Hotel Chandler
Campbell, Alex J. (Florence): manager, Chandler Egyptian Cotton Ginning Co.
Cardinal, Genevieve: Chandler Grade Schools teacher
Carper, Homer E. (Mary): salesman, Reliable Hardware Co.; home, S. Oregon St.
Carroll, Ella K. Mrs.: teacher, Chandler High School; residence, M.W. Stowe
Carroll, Mary: Chandler High School teacher
Caudill, Willie S. (Bessie) (Beall & Thraikill): insurance, First National Bank Building; home, California St.
Celaya, Ida: Chandler Grade Schools teacher; residence, H.N. Taylor
CENTRAL GARAGE (M.M. Hassell): automotive repairing; Arizona Ave, near Boston
Chandler, Aexander J.: president, Bank of Chandler; Chandler Improvement Co. ,Chandler Water & Power Co., Chandler Land & Securities Co., Consolidated Canal Co.; residence, Hotel San Marcos
Chandler Cafe (Andrew J. and George Condos), San Marcos Place
CHANDLER ARIZONAN: S.A. Meyer, editor; Commonwealth Ave.
CHANDLER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: W.W. Pickrell, manager; Commonwealth Ave.; near San Marcos Pl.
CHANDLER CITY COUNCIL: Alexander J. Chandler, Abe Lukin, H.L. Peterson, D.A. Jacobson, J.B. Weber
CHANDLER EGYPTIAN COTTON GINNING CO.: A. J. Campbell, manager; A.E. railroad tracks, one mile south of station
CHANDLER GARAGE (Ori Holdren, Wayne Heffner); Commonwealth Ave.
CHANDLER-GOODYEAR STAGE LINE: San Marcos Place, corner Commonwealth Ave.
Chandler Grade School: F.J. Curtiss, superintendent; Cleveland and California Sts.
CHANDLER HARDWARE & CYCLE CO.: Lemon Bros Successors; Arizona Ave. near Boston
Chandler High School: F.J. Curtiss, principal; Arizona Ave. near Detroit
CHANDLER IMPROVEMENT CO.: Alexander .J. Chandler, president; E.J. Koch, secretary and manager for real estate development; San Marcos Place
CHANDLER LAND & SECURITIES CO.: Alexander .J. Chandler, president, E.J. Koch, secretary; San Marcos Place
CHANDLER-MESA STAGE ( San Marcos Place, corner of Commonwealth Ave.
CHANDLER MOTOR CO. (Lola Richardson, E.E. Fimpel, Z.N. Harvey, C.B. Teal): Washington Ave. near Boston
CHANDLER-PHOENIX EXPRESS: (A.C. Mortensen), S. Oregon St.
CHANDLER WATER & POWER CO.: Alexander J. Chandler, president; E.J. Koch; San Marcos Place
Chandler Woman's Club: Mrs. Julia M.C. Friedberg, correspondence secretary
Chapman, Frank H. (Maggie): carpenter; home, Dakota St.
Childers, Anna: stenographer, J.L. Entrekin
Chilton, Charles W. (Allie): yardman, J.D. Halstead Lumber Co.; home N. Delaware St.
Chilton, George: clerk, F & F Service Station; resident, C.W. Chilton
Chitwood, Charles R. (Mary E.): carpenter; home Dakota St.
Chitwood, Glenn M.: salesman: William Brooks; residence, C.R. Chitwood
Chitwood, Mabel: student; residence, C.R. Chitwood
Chitwood, Nora: bookkeeper, J.D. Halstead Lumber Co.; residence, C.R. Chitwood
Church of Christ (Scientist): G.F. Lewis, reader; N. Colorado St.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Buffalo near Colorado
Clark, Gail: assistant superintendent, Chandler High School
Clark, Harley D.: rancher
Clary, Howe B. (Lula V.): agent, Arizona Eastern Railroad; home, Commonwealth Ave.
Clemens, Benjamin M.: rancher
Coates, Marsden B. (Ida); home, N. Delaware St.
Coder, Eliza J. Mrs.; residence, J.D. Arneil
Coffman, David W. (Eliza): real estate; home, Commonwealth Ave.
COHEN BROS. (Jacob and David): cigars and billiards, San Marcos Place
Cohen, David (Mary) (Cohen Bros.); home, California St.
Cohen, Jacob (Cohen Bros.)
Condos, Andrew J. (Chandler Cafe)
Condos, George (Chandler Cafe)
Conner, Jasper D. (Vivian): carpenter, home, Dakota St.
CONSOLIDATED CANAL CO.: Alexander J. Chandler, presdent; E.J. Koch, secretary
Cook, W.L.: rancher
Corello, Leonard: second hand goods, Boston St.
Cox, Henry F. (Bessie A.): building contractor, Delaware St.
Coxey, N.A.: home, Dakota St.
Craft, Anna: Mrs.: saleswoman, The Leader
Craft, L.G.; home, Boston St.
Craft, L.L. (Anna): manager, J.D. Halstead Lumber Co.
Crawford, Calvin N. (Alice)
Crawford, Hugh J. (May): rancher; home, E. Buffalo St.
Crenshaw, Benjamin M. (Clare): real estate; Boston near San Marcos Pl.
Cribbs, Ina J.: stenographer, A.E. Price; residence, Mrs. M.W. Winters
Crisp, David B. (Clara E.): rancher
Crockett, Ralph (Joyce): mechanic, Chandler Garage; residence E.W. Ferguson
Crouse, Claud R.: warehouseman, Arizona Eastern Railroad Co.
Crowe, Alvin: clerk, Arizona Eastern Railroad Co.
Curry, Lloyd J.
Curtiss, Fred J. (Pearl Scott): superintendent of schools and high school principal; home, Washington near Detroit
Curtiss, Vienna: student; residence, F.J. Curtiss
Dailey, Herman: driver, J. D. Halstead Lumber Co.
Damron, Eugene (Harriet): laborer, home on Dakota Street.
Davis, Esther Jean: teacher, Goodyear Grade School
Davis, E. J. P. (Emma): laborer, home on Dakota Street
Davis, Llewellyn M.: telegrapher, Arizona Eastern Railway
Davis, Lon (Lillian): laborer, home on Dakota Street
Davis, Thomas C. (Wessie): laborer, home on Dakota Street
Davis, W. L.: rancher
Dawdy, D.: rancher
De Bolt, Ida B.: clerk, Bank of Chandler; resides with Mrs. Anna Shirey
De Bolt, Pearl
De bolt, W. Everett: salesman, Williams Grocery, resides with Mrs. Anna Shirey
DeFore, Sylvester C. (Ethelyn): autos; home on Dakota Street
Del Bosco A. E.: laborer, resides at Boston Hotel
Denny, Adelia C.: widow S.H. B.; home on Dakota Street
DeSouza, James E. (Aline C.): cashier, Chandler Improvement Co., home on E. Buffalo St.
DeWitt, Alex: rancher
Dickinson, Granville E.: meat cutter, Sanitary Market
Dickson, John M. (Bessie): real estate; home on Dakota Street
Dickson, Roy: student; resides with J. M. Dickson
Dingus, William H.: rancher
Dobbins, A. John (Lucy): rancher
Dobbins, G. C.: rancher
Dobbins, John
Dobbins, William: laborer
Dobson, John H.: president, First National Bank
Dorough, Andrew: mechanic
Earnhart, Albert (Della)
Eckles, Charles: proprietor, Boston Hotel
Eckles, Louisa: teacher, resides at Boston Hotel
Edmonds, Arthur E. (Beulah M.: teacher, Chandler High School; home on Dakota Street
Edwards, Emma L. Mrs.
Edwards, Estella R.
Edwards, Virgil T.: rancher, R.1
Eldredge, Daniel K. (Mary): carpenter; home on S. Oregon St.
Eldredge, David P.: rancher, R. 1
Eldredge, Lola Mrs.
Eldridge, Earl E. (Josephine): rancher; home on Dakota Street
Ellis, Henry J.: restaurant, Boston Street
EL VERJEL RANCHO INC. (George F. and Webster J. Lewis): growers and preservers of peaches and apricots
Emerson, Charles J.: laborer, residing at Suhwaro Hotel
Enright, John P.: plumber, Washington Street
ENTREKIN, JESSE L. (Maggie B.): real estate, loans and investments, San Marcos Place; home on Washington St.
Entrekin, J. Lawrence (Nellie), with Jesse L. Entrekin
Entrekin, Leland; student, resided with Jessie L. Entrekin
Espinoza, J.C.
Estrella, Manuel: foreman, Chandler Improvement Co..
Etheridge, Sterling: hay dealer
F & F SERVICE STATION, M. P. Freeman, proprietor; gasoline, oils, accessories and vulcanizing; Arizona Avenue near Boston
Fairbanks, Ellis S.
Fairbanks, R. H., resided with F. S. Seaver
Fardig, Mary: teacher, Chandler Grade Schools
Farmer, Benjamin: rancher, Rural Route 1
Farmer, George H.: laborer, resident of Boston Hotel
Farnsworth, Olga Mrs.; resided with M. P. Freeman
Farnsworth, R. D.
Felton, Conway: carpenter; resided with J. D. Gardner
Ferguson, Elias W. (Hannah): rancher; home on N. Washington St.
Ferguson, Vesta: teacher; resided with E. W. Ferguson
Fidler, Charles A.: rancher, home on Boston Street
Fidler, Esther F.; resided with C. A. Fidler
Fierros, Francisco: restaurant on Boston Street
Filbert, Frank (Euma): clerk, F & F Service Station; home on California Street
Filmple, Elmer C. (Lida) (Chandler Motor Co.); home on Cleveland, corner of California
Fimple, George E.: mechanic, Chandler Motor Co.
Fimple, M. Mrs.; resided with D. C. Stevens
Finley, Lual E. (Minnie L.): carpenter; home on Oregon, southwest corner of California
First Baptist Church, on Dakota Street
First National Bank of Chandler: John H. Dobson, president; John Anderson, vice president; P. J. James, cashier; on Boston, opposite San Marcos Place
Fitts, Edward (Dona L.): cameraman; home on California Street
Flanagan, J. E.
Fletcher, John B. (Annie): laborer, home on S. Oregon Street
Folger, Keith M.: pharmacist at Webers Pharmacy
Fosler, Fred: student, resided with John Foster
Fosler, John (Augusta): carpenter; home on Boston Street
Foster, George E.; canvasser; home on Boston Street
Foster, Phoenix S.
Frazee, Prid (Mettie): rancher
Frazee, Walter
Freeman, Mark P. (Winifred E.): proprietor, F & F. Service Station; home on E. Buffalo Street
Fribolin, Alice B.: teacher, Chandler Grade Schools
Friedberg, Joseph (Julia M. C.) (The Leader); home on Dakota Street
Fry, Robert
Frye, Alfred L.
Frye, George: rancher
Fullen, C. G.: rancher
Fullen, Smith E.
Fuller, L. R.
Gaither, William (Roadie): rancher, home on Dakota Street
Gant, E. M.
Gardner, Hugh C. (Florence M.) (Gardner & Harmer); home, N. Washington Street
Gardner, Joseph D. (Stella): carpenter, home on N. Delaware St.
GARDNER & HARMER (H.C. Gardner, A. M. Harmer): drugs, San Marcos Place, corner of Commonwealth Ave.
Garrett, Gordon C. (Agnes): clerk, home on California Street
Gaylord, Beatrice: student, resides with W. M. Gaylord
Gaylord, William M. (Hattie): grocer, Boston near Arizona Avenue; home on S. Oregon St.
Gerhard, Jesse F. (Orpha): assistant engineer, San Marcos Hotel; home on Boston St.
Gerry, Edward L.: stenographer, Chandler Improvement Co.
Gibson, Irving L.: clerk, Gardner & Harmer
Gilbert, Kramer M. (Bessie): physician, Boston near San Marcos Place; home N. Colorado St.
Giles, M. L. (Julie B.): rancher
Gipson, Benjamin A.
Gipson, Chris C.: rancher
Girard, William S. (Helen): laborer, home on Boston St.
Glenn, Mary E.: teacher, Chandler High School; home N. Colorado St.
Golding, Lant (Maude): rancher, home on Boston St.
Gollands, George L. (Lillian R.): assistant cashier, Bank of Chandler, home N. Washington St.
Gonzalez, Cypriano: barber, Boston St.
Goodman, Constantine L.: rancher
Goodrich, P. M.: rancher
GOODYEAR GRADE SCHOOL: D. D. Jones, principal
Gorath, Fred: rancher
Gordon, Carl R. (Annie A.): home N. Colorado St.
Goulding, E.: foreman, Chandler Improvement Co.
Grant, Henry T. (Pearl): teamster, resides with J. B. Fletcher
Gray, Jack: rancher
Greer, Freeman (Ella): janitor; home on Boston Ave.
Gregg, A. T. (Mamie E.): rancher, Route 1
Griffin, Nate H.: rancher
Griffith, Dio D. (Myrtle): plumber; home on Colorado St.
Haggard, M James (Purlina), building contractor
Hall, Eugene G. (Eleanor), floorman, Chandler Motor Co., home on Colorado Street
Halloran, Edward, bookkeeper, The Leader, lived at Suhwaro Hotel
HALSTEAD J. D. LUMBER CO.: L. L. Craft, manager; Commonwealth Ave. near Arizona Eastern Railway Depot.
Hamm, O. R.: rancher
Hamm, Sarah A., Mrs.
Handley, Otho N.: assistant cashier, Chandler Improvement Co.
Hansen, Amy J.: teacher
Hansen, John R.
Hansen, Ora G. teacher, Goodyear Grade School
Hansen, Robert A. (Sylvia A.) rancher, Route 1
Harding, H. E.: rancher, Route 1
Harmer, Alvin M. (Nellie E.) (Gardner & Harmer), home on Arizona Avenue, corner of Cleveland
Harris, J. B. (Alice): rancher
Harvey, Zephniah N. (Ophelia) (Chandler Motor Co.); home on Colorado Street
Harris, Nellie R.: assistant postmaster
Harris, Walker: salesman, N. Y. Mercantile Co.
Hassell, Mayner M. (Annie): Central Garage owner
Hayes, Jasper L. (Idella): clothes cleaner, Boston, corner of California St.
Hayes, Minnie M.: teacher, Chandler Grade Schools, resides with C. B. Stewart
Heffner, J. Wayne: (Chandler Garage owner), resided at Suhwaro Hotel
Henry, John G. (Leonora E.): salesman, home on California St.
Henry, Louis (Velma): painter, home on N. Washington St.
Herman, Daily (Edith): driver, home on Dakota St.
Herman, J. M.: apiarist
Herzberg, Nat: assistant manager of Lukin Cash Grocery
Hicks, Eva Mrs., home on Dakota St.
Hicks, Ira: carpenter
Hicks, Oscar (Mary): rancher
Hightower, Henry: mechanic
Hill, Carrie J. Mrs.; residence with H. C. Gardner
Hinson, John: leatherworker, Reliable Hardware Co.
Hoggard, James W. (Elbe): cement worker; home on California St.
Hoggard, Martin J.: laborer, resided with W.H. Hoggard
Hoggard, R. E.: rancher
Hoggard, Wade H. (Iris O.): laborer, home on Dakota St.
Holdren, Ori (Ruth) (Chandler Garage); home on E. Buffalo St.
Hoon, Lewis C. (Minnie): plumber, home on Dakota St.
Horne, Edward H.: garage on Boston St.
HOTEL CHANDLER (D. A. Jacobson), Boston, corner of San Marcos Place
HOTEL SAN MARCOS, San Marcos Hotel Co. proprietor; H. P. Smith, general manager; San Marcos Place, corner of Buffalo
Houston, Walter (Mabel): carpenter, home on N. Delaware St.
Hont, Wayland H. (Genevieve): salesman, White House
Howell, Armond: baker, Vance Bros.
Huber, A. C.: rancher
Huber, John E.: rancher
Huber, Paul (Lola): rancher
Huggett, William W. (Florence): livery on Boston St.
Hunsaker, Gordon (Annie): laborer; home on Colorado St.
Hunsaker, Ivan: farmer, resided with Gordon Hunsaker
Hunsaker, Violet: telephone operator, Mt. States Telephone & Telegraph Co., resided with Gordon Hunsaker
Hurst, J. H.: rancher, Route 1
Iles, Malcolm G.: rancher
Imperial, F. M. (Celewra): grocer, Washington Street
Imperial, Mercedes, resided with Placido Soza
Jacobs, Ethel H. Mrs.: cashier, Lukin Cash Grocery, resided with Abe Lukin
Jacobson, David A. (Hotel Chandler) and member of Chandler City Council
Jacobson, Ray Mrs., resident of Hotel Chandler
James, Pleasant M. (Gertrude E.): cashier, First National Bank; home on Arizona Avenue near Cleveland
Jepsen, Andreas: rancher
Johnson, Alice Mrs.: resided with C. R. Gordon
Johnson, Emma Mrs.; resided with S. A. Meyer
Johnson, Gust: rancher
Johnson, James
Johnson, Jane Mrs.
Johnson, John: rancher
Johnson, Joseph W. (Delpha): rancher
Johnson, Julius R.
Johnson, Ruth I.: teacher, Goodyear Grade School
Johnson, V. R.: rancher
Johnson, Walter N. (Emily M.): assistant cashier, First National Bank; resided in Phoenix
Jones, D. D.: principal, Goodyear Grade School
Jones, John W. (