1920 Chandler City Directory


Abbey, LL., house, California St.
Adams, Glenn: salesman, N.Y. Merc. Co., residence, Miss M.E. Glenn
Adams, J.E. (Caroline A.): rancher
Akers, W.H.: rancher
Alcantar: Frank (Mary): teamster, house  Delaware St.
Aldridge, Daniel K.: ranch hd, residence, Mrs. L.G.K. Aldridge
Aldridge, Lloyd: ranch headquarters, residence,  Mrs. L.G. K. Aldridge
Aldridge, Lola G. K. Mrs., house Dakota St.
Allison, John J. (Effie): blacksmith, Boston St.; house Colorado St.
Andersen, Thomas: rancher
Anderson, John: vice-president, First National Bank
Apodasea, Albert (Rosie): barber, Boston St.
Appleby, G.B.: rancher
Arambula,  Manuel: billiards, Boston St. 
ARIZONA HARDWARE & LUMBER Co.: G.E. Mineah, manager
Armstrong, George R. (Coralinn B.): salesman, Reliable Hardware Co., house Dakota St.
Armstrong, James N. (Daisy E.): rancher
Armstrong, Lyman B.: rancher
Arneil, Joseph D. (Belle C.): veterinarian surgeon, house Boston St.
Arnold, Daniel M. (Caroline): bookkeeper, Chandler Garage, house N. Washington St.
Arvizo, Peter (Lizzie): salesman, Lukin Cash Groceries, house Delaware St. 
Attaway, C.B.: rancher
Averill, James H., house Delaware St.


Bailey, William H. (Florence): carpenter, house California St.
Baker, Alfred (Luanna): rancher, Chandler Improvement Co., house California St.
Baldwin, Clarence A. (Emma H.): cashier, Bank of Chandler, house on Arizona Ave., southwest corner of Cleveland
BANK OF CHANDLER THE: A.J. Chandler, president; C.A. Baldwin, cashier; San Marcos Place corner of Commonwealth Ave.
Barackman, William G.. (Katheryn): dentist, Boston near San marcos Place
Barrow, Jennie B.: Chandler grade school teacher
Baxter, George G. (Mazie J.): supply agent, Standard Oil Co., resident Hotel Chandler
Beall, Cyrus D. (Beall & Thrailkill)
BEALL & THRAILKILL (C.D. Beal, K.D. Thrailkill): real estate, loans and insurance; First National Bank Building
Beardsley, Nell A.: telegrapher,  Arizona Eastern Railroad Co.
Bardwell, James G.
Barfuss, Max
Barnette, Aldine F.
Barnette, Dora Mrs.
Barney, Olney B.
Beardsley, Herbert G.
Beckham, Charles M. (Quentilla): sheriff, house Oregon St.
Begley, W.J.: rancher, Chandler Improvement Co.
Benedict, George: corral Washington St.
Benn, Hans: rancher
Bennett: C.C.: rancher
Bentley, Maude: waiter, San Marcos Hotel
Berry, W.E.: rancher
Beye, J.W.: (Larne): rancher
Billings, Fred: rancher
Bilue, John W.: residence K.R. Bilue
Bilue, Kinchen (Ruth), house California St.
Black, Eugene C.
Black, E.B.: rancher
Black, William T.: driver, Smith & Shumate
Bland, Ida, widow, Edward, residence,  F.C. Jordan
Bleak, Richard M.
Borquez, Manuel: barber, Washington St.
BOSTON HOTEL: Charles Eckles, proprietor, furnished rooms, Boston corner of Washington
(ILLEGIBLE SECTION Seven names are partially obscured here because something was covering part of them when a copy was made.)
Branaman, Agnes C., widow J.S; home, Dakota St.

Breechler, Leonard S.
Breshears, Nathan (Mahala); home, California St.
Brockett, Harry: mechanic, Chandler Garage
Brimhall, O.: rancher
Brion, A.A. (Margaret): rancher
Brockett, Jewel B.: bookkeeper, Bank of Chandler; residence M.L. Brockett
Brockett, M. Luther (Mary): laborer; home, Dakota St.
Brooks, William (Pearl): auto supplies; residence, Mesa
Brown, Audrey Mrs., home, Dakota St.
BROWN, BERT O.: distributor, Chevrolet Motor Cars and Trucks, 316-318 E. Washington; Phone 1963 Phoenix
Brown, Bessie Mrs.; home, Dakota St.
BROWN BROS. (John L., D. Luther, Grover P.): clothes cleaners, Boston St.
Brown, Clarence H.: rancher
Brown, D. Luther (Brown Bros.)
Brown, Elvis: rancher
Brown, E.D.: rancher
Brown, Ford: student, residence, Mrs. Audrey Brown
Brown, Grover P. (Brown Bros.)
Brown, G.P.: salesman, New York Mercantile Co.
Brown, John L. (Brown Bros.)
Brown, J.W.: rancher
Brown, Marshall: rancher
Brown, Robert O. (Nora M.): carpenter, home, California St.
Brown, W.P.
Bufanda, Jose (Perlina): laborer, home Delaware St.
Burns, R.W.: rancher
Burns, Vinna Mrs.
Burridge, P.E.: assistant cashier, Bank of Chandler
Butterfield, Raleigh (Lillian): mechanic, Chandler Garage; home, California St.
Byars, Wirt E. (Lelia)


Calhoun, Eugene B.: student, residence, J.E. Calhoun
Calhoun, John C.
Calhoun, Joseph E. (Georgia M.): painting contractor, Dakota St.
Calisher, Joseph: clerk, The Leader; residence, Hotel Chandler 
Campbell, Alex J. (Florence): manager, Chandler Egyptian Cotton Ginning Co.
Cardinal, Genevieve: Chandler Grade Schools teacher
Carper, Homer E. (Mary): salesman, Reliable Hardware Co.; home, S. Oregon St.
Carroll, Ella K. Mrs.: teacher, Chandler High School; residence, M.W. Stowe
Carroll, Mary: Chandler High School teacher
Caudill, Willie S. (Bessie) (Beall & Thraikill): insurance, First National Bank Building; home, California St.
Celaya, Ida: Chandler Grade Schools teacher; residence, H.N. Taylor
CENTRAL GARAGE (M.M. Hassell): automotive repairing; Arizona Ave, near Boston
Chandler, Aexander J.: president, Bank of Chandler; Chandler Improvement Co. ,Chandler Water & Power Co., Chandler Land & Securities Co., Consolidated Canal Co.; residence, Hotel San Marcos 
Chandler Cafe (Andrew J. and George Condos), San Marcos Place
CHANDLER ARIZONAN: S.A. Meyer, editor; Commonwealth Ave.

CHANDLER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: W.W. Pickrell, manager; Commonwealth Ave.; near San Marcos Pl.
CHANDLER CITY COUNCIL: Alexander J. Chandler, Abe Lukin, H.L. Peterson, D.A. Jacobson, J.B. Weber
CHANDLER EGYPTIAN COTTON GINNING CO.: A. J. Campbell, manager; A.E. railroad tracks, one mile south of station
CHANDLER GARAGE (Ori Holdren, Wayne Heffner); Commonwealth Ave.
CHANDLER-GOODYEAR STAGE LINE: San Marcos Place, corner Commonwealth Ave.
Chandler Grade School: F.J. Curtiss, superintendent; Cleveland and California Sts.
CHANDLER HARDWARE & CYCLE CO.: Lemon Bros Successors; Arizona Ave. near Boston
Chandler High School: F.J. Curtiss, principal; Arizona Ave. near Detroit
CHANDLER IMPROVEMENT CO.:  Alexander .J. Chandler, president; E.J. Koch, secretary and manager for real estate development; San Marcos Place
CHANDLER LAND & SECURITIES CO.: Alexander .J. Chandler, president, E.J. Koch, secretary; San Marcos Place
CHANDLER-MESA STAGE ( San Marcos Place, corner of Commonwealth Ave.
CHANDLER MOTOR CO. (Lola Richardson, E.E. Fimpel, Z.N. Harvey, C.B. Teal): Washington Ave. near Boston
CHANDLER-PHOENIX EXPRESS: (A.C. Mortensen), S. Oregon St.
CHANDLER WATER & POWER CO.: Alexander J. Chandler, president; E.J. Koch; San Marcos Place
Chandler Woman's Club: Mrs. Julia M.C. Friedberg, correspondence secretary
Chapman, Frank H. (Maggie): carpenter; home, Dakota St.
Childers, Anna: stenographer, J.L. Entrekin
Chilton, Charles W. (Allie): yardman, J.D. Halstead Lumber Co.; home N. Delaware St.
Chilton, George: clerk, F & F Service Station; resident, C.W. Chilton
Chitwood, Charles R. (Mary E.): carpenter; home Dakota St.
Chitwood, Glenn M.: salesman: William Brooks; residence, C.R. Chitwood
Chitwood, Mabel: student; residence, C.R. Chitwood
Chitwood, Nora: bookkeeper, J.D. Halstead Lumber Co.; residence, C.R. Chitwood 
Church of Christ (Scientist): G.F. Lewis, reader; N. Colorado St.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Buffalo near Colorado
Clark, Gail: assistant superintendent, Chandler High School
Clark, Harley D.: rancher
Clary, Howe B. (Lula V.): agent, Arizona Eastern Railroad; home, Commonwealth Ave.
Clemens, Benjamin M.: rancher
Coates, Marsden B. (Ida); home, N. Delaware St.
Coder, Eliza J. Mrs.; residence, J.D. Arneil
Coffman, David W. (Eliza): real estate; home, Commonwealth Ave.
COHEN BROS. (Jacob and David): cigars and billiards, San Marcos Place
Cohen, David (Mary) (Cohen Bros.); home, California St.
Cohen, Jacob (Cohen Bros.)
Condos, Andrew J. (Chandler Cafe)
Condos, George (Chandler Cafe)
Conner, Jasper D. (Vivian): carpenter, home, Dakota St.
CONSOLIDATED CANAL CO.: Alexander J. Chandler, presdent; E.J. Koch, secretary
Cook, W.L.: rancher
Corello, Leonard: second hand goods, Boston St.
Cox, Henry F. (Bessie A.): building contractor, Delaware St.
Coxey, N.A.: home, Dakota St.
Craft, Anna: Mrs.: saleswoman, The Leader
Craft, L.G.; home, Boston St.
Craft, L.L. (Anna): manager, J.D. Halstead Lumber Co.
Crawford, Calvin N. (Alice)
Crawford, Hugh J.  (May): rancher; home, E. Buffalo St.
Crenshaw, Benjamin M. (Clare): real estate; Boston near San Marcos Pl.
Cribbs, Ina J.: stenographer, A.E. Price; residence, Mrs. M.W. Winters
Crisp, David B. (Clara E.): rancher
Crockett, Ralph (Joyce): mechanic, Chandler Garage; residence E.W. Ferguson
Crouse, Claud R.: warehouseman, Arizona Eastern Railroad Co.
Crowe, Alvin: clerk, Arizona Eastern Railroad Co.
Curry, Lloyd J.
Curtiss, Fred J. (Pearl Scott): superintendent of schools and high school principal; home, Washington near Detroit
Curtiss, Vienna: student; residence, F.J. Curtiss


Dailey, Herman: driver,  J. D. Halstead Lumber Co.
Damron, Eugene (Harriet): laborer, home on Dakota Street.
Davis, Esther Jean: teacher, Goodyear Grade School
Davis, E. J. P. (Emma): laborer, home on Dakota Street
Davis, Llewellyn M.: telegrapher, Arizona Eastern Railway
Davis, Lon (Lillian): laborer, home on Dakota Street
Davis, Thomas C. (Wessie): laborer, home on Dakota Street
Davis, W. L.: rancher
Dawdy, D.: rancher
De Bolt, Ida B.: clerk, Bank of Chandler; resides with Mrs. Anna Shirey
De Bolt, Pearl
De bolt, W. Everett: salesman, Williams Grocery, resides with Mrs. Anna Shirey
DeFore, Sylvester C. (Ethelyn): autos; home on Dakota Street
Del Bosco A. E.: laborer, resides at Boston Hotel
Denny, Adelia C.: widow S.H. B.; home on Dakota Street
DeSouza, James E. (Aline C.): cashier, Chandler Improvement Co., home on E. Buffalo St.
DeWitt, Alex: rancher
Dickinson, Granville E.: meat cutter, Sanitary Market
Dickson, John M. (Bessie): real estate; home on Dakota Street
Dickson, Roy: student; resides with J. M. Dickson
Dingus, William H.: rancher
Dobbins, A. John (Lucy): rancher
Dobbins, G. C.: rancher
Dobbins, John
Dobbins, William: laborer
Dobson, John H.: president, First National Bank
Dorough, Andrew: mechanic


Earnhart, Albert (Della)
Eckles, Charles: proprietor, Boston Hotel
Eckles, Louisa: teacher, resides at Boston Hotel
Edmonds, Arthur E. (Beulah M.: teacher, Chandler High School; home on Dakota Street
Edwards, Emma L. Mrs.
Edwards, Estella R.
Edwards, Virgil T.: rancher, R.1
Eldredge, Daniel K. (Mary): carpenter; home on S. Oregon St.
Eldredge, David P.: rancher, R. 1 
Eldredge, Lola Mrs.
Eldridge, Earl E. (Josephine): rancher; home on Dakota Street
Ellis, Henry J.: restaurant, Boston Street
EL VERJEL RANCHO INC. (George F. and Webster J. Lewis): growers and preservers of peaches and apricots
Emerson, Charles J.: laborer, residing at Suhwaro Hotel
Enright, John P.: plumber, Washington Street
ENTREKIN, JESSE L.  (Maggie B.): real estate, loans and investments, San Marcos Place; home on Washington St.
Entrekin, J. Lawrence (Nellie), with Jesse L. Entrekin
Entrekin, Leland; student, resided with Jessie L. Entrekin
Espinoza, J.C.
Estrella, Manuel: foreman, Chandler Improvement Co..
Etheridge, Sterling: hay dealer


F & F SERVICE STATION, M. P. Freeman, proprietor; gasoline, oils, accessories and vulcanizing; Arizona Avenue near Boston
Fairbanks, Ellis S.
Fairbanks, R. H., resided with F. S. Seaver
Fardig, Mary: teacher, Chandler Grade Schools
Farmer, Benjamin: rancher, Rural Route 1
Farmer, George H.: laborer, resident of Boston Hotel
Farnsworth, Olga Mrs.; resided with M. P. Freeman
Farnsworth, R. D.
Felton, Conway: carpenter; resided with J. D. Gardner
Ferguson, Elias W. (Hannah): rancher; home on N. Washington St.
Ferguson, Vesta: teacher; resided with E. W. Ferguson
Fidler, Charles A.: rancher, home on Boston Street
Fidler, Esther F.; resided with C. A. Fidler
Fierros, Francisco: restaurant on Boston Street
Filbert,  Frank (Euma): clerk, F & F Service Station; home on California Street
Filmple, Elmer C. (Lida) (Chandler Motor Co.); home on Cleveland, corner of California
Fimple, George E.: mechanic, Chandler Motor Co.
Fimple, M. Mrs.; resided with D. C. Stevens
Finley, Lual E. (Minnie L.): carpenter; home on Oregon, southwest corner of California
First Baptist Church, on Dakota Street
First National Bank of Chandler: John H. Dobson, president; John Anderson, vice president; P. J. James, cashier; on Boston, opposite San Marcos Place
Fitts, Edward (Dona L.): cameraman; home on California Street
Flanagan, J. E.
Fletcher, John B. (Annie): laborer, home on S. Oregon Street
Folger, Keith M.: pharmacist at Webers Pharmacy
Fosler, Fred: student, resided with John Foster
Fosler, John (Augusta): carpenter; home on Boston Street
Foster, George E.; canvasser; home on Boston Street
Foster, Phoenix S.
Frazee, Prid (Mettie): rancher
Frazee, Walter
Freeman, Mark P. (Winifred E.): proprietor, F & F. Service Station; home on E. Buffalo Street
Fribolin, Alice B.: teacher, Chandler Grade Schools
Friedberg, Joseph (Julia M. C.) (The Leader); home on Dakota Street
Fry, Robert
Frye, Alfred L.
Frye, George: rancher
Fullen, C. G.: rancher
Fullen, Smith E.
Fuller, L. R.


Gaither, William (Roadie): rancher, home on Dakota Street
Gant, E. M.
Gardner, Hugh C. (Florence M.) (Gardner & Harmer); home, N. Washington Street
Gardner, Joseph D. (Stella): carpenter, home on N. Delaware St.
GARDNER & HARMER (H.C. Gardner, A. M. Harmer): drugs, San Marcos Place, corner of Commonwealth Ave.
Garrett, Gordon C. (Agnes): clerk, home on California Street
Gaylord, Beatrice: student, resides with W. M. Gaylord
Gaylord, William M. (Hattie): grocer, Boston near Arizona Avenue; home on S. Oregon St.
Gerhard, Jesse F. (Orpha): assistant engineer, San Marcos Hotel; home on Boston St.
Gerry, Edward L.: stenographer, Chandler Improvement Co.
Gibson, Irving L.: clerk, Gardner & Harmer
Gilbert, Kramer M. (Bessie): physician, Boston near San Marcos Place; home N. Colorado St.
Giles, M. L. (Julie B.): rancher
Gipson, Benjamin A.
Gipson, Chris C.: rancher
Girard, William S. (Helen): laborer,  home on Boston St.
Glenn, Mary E.: teacher, Chandler High School; home N. Colorado St.
Golding, Lant (Maude): rancher, home on Boston St.
Gollands, George L. (Lillian R.): assistant cashier, Bank of Chandler, home N. Washington St.
Gonzalez, Cypriano: barber, Boston St.
Goodman, Constantine L.: rancher
Goodrich, P. M.: rancher
GOODYEAR GRADE SCHOOL: D. D. Jones, principal
Gorath, Fred: rancher
Gordon, Carl R. (Annie A.): home N. Colorado St.
Goulding, E.: foreman, Chandler Improvement Co.
Grant, Henry T. (Pearl): teamster, resides with J. B. Fletcher
Gray, Jack: rancher
Greer, Freeman (Ella): janitor;  home on Boston Ave.
Gregg, A. T. (Mamie E.): rancher, Route 1
Griffin, Nate H.: rancher
Griffith, Dio D. (Myrtle): plumber; home on Colorado St.


Haggard, M James (Purlina), building contractor
Hall, Eugene G. (Eleanor), floorman, Chandler Motor  Co.,  home on Colorado Street
Halloran, Edward, bookkeeper, The Leader, lived at Suhwaro Hotel
HALSTEAD J. D. LUMBER CO.: L. L. Craft, manager; Commonwealth Ave. near Arizona Eastern Railway Depot.
Hamm, O. R.: rancher
Hamm, Sarah A., Mrs.
Handley, Otho N.: assistant cashier, Chandler Improvement Co.
Hansen, Amy J.: teacher
Hansen, John R.
Hansen, Ora G. teacher, Goodyear Grade School
Hansen, Robert A. (Sylvia A.) rancher, Route 1
Harding, H. E.: rancher, Route 1
Harmer, Alvin M. (Nellie E.) (Gardner & Harmer), home on Arizona Avenue, corner of Cleveland
Harris, J. B. (Alice): rancher
Harvey, Zephniah N. (Ophelia) (Chandler Motor Co.); home on Colorado Street
Harris, Nellie R.: assistant postmaster
Harris, Walker: salesman, N. Y. Mercantile  Co.
Hassell, Mayner M. (Annie): Central Garage owner
Hayes, Jasper L. (Idella): clothes cleaner, Boston, corner of California St.
Hayes, Minnie M.: teacher, Chandler Grade Schools, resides with C. B. Stewart
Heffner, J. Wayne: (Chandler Garage owner), resided at Suhwaro Hotel
Henry, John G. (Leonora E.): salesman, home on California St.
Henry, Louis (Velma): painter, home on N. Washington St.
Herman, Daily (Edith): driver, home on Dakota St.
Herman, J. M.: apiarist
Herzberg, Nat: assistant manager of Lukin Cash Grocery
Hicks, Eva Mrs., home on Dakota St.
Hicks, Ira: carpenter
Hicks, Oscar (Mary): rancher
Hightower, Henry: mechanic
Hill, Carrie J. Mrs.; residence with H. C. Gardner
Hinson, John: leatherworker, Reliable Hardware Co.
Hoggard, James W. (Elbe): cement worker; home on California St.
Hoggard, Martin J.: laborer, resided with W.H. Hoggard
Hoggard, R. E.: rancher
Hoggard, Wade H. (Iris O.): laborer, home on Dakota St.
Holdren, Ori (Ruth) (Chandler Garage); home on E. Buffalo St.
Hoon, Lewis C. (Minnie): plumber, home on Dakota St.
Horne, Edward H.: garage on Boston St.
HOTEL CHANDLER (D. A. Jacobson), Boston, corner of San Marcos Place
HOTEL SAN MARCOS, San Marcos Hotel Co. proprietor; H. P. Smith, general manager; San Marcos Place, corner of Buffalo
Houston, Walter (Mabel): carpenter, home on N. Delaware St.
Hont, Wayland H. (Genevieve): salesman, White House
Howell, Armond: baker, Vance Bros.
Huber, A. C.: rancher
Huber, John E.: rancher
Huber, Paul (Lola): rancher
Huggett, William W. (Florence): livery on Boston St.
Hunsaker, Gordon (Annie): laborer; home on Colorado St.
Hunsaker, Ivan: farmer, resided with Gordon Hunsaker
Hunsaker, Violet: telephone operator, Mt. States Telephone & Telegraph Co., resided with Gordon Hunsaker
Hurst, J. H.: rancher, Route 1


Iles, Malcolm G.: rancher
Imperial, F. M. (Celewra): grocer, Washington Street
Imperial, Mercedes, resided with Placido Soza


Jacobs, Ethel H. Mrs.: cashier, Lukin Cash Grocery, resided with Abe Lukin
Jacobson, David A. (Hotel Chandler) and member of Chandler City Council
Jacobson, Ray Mrs., resident of Hotel Chandler
James, Pleasant M. (Gertrude E.): cashier, First National Bank; home on Arizona Avenue near Cleveland
Jepsen, Andreas: rancher
Johnson, Alice Mrs.: resided with C. R. Gordon
Johnson, Emma Mrs.; resided with S. A. Meyer
Johnson, Gust: rancher
Johnson, James
Johnson, Jane Mrs.
Johnson, John: rancher
Johnson, Joseph W. (Delpha): rancher
Johnson, Julius R.
Johnson, Ruth I.: teacher, Goodyear Grade School
Johnson, V. R.: rancher
Johnson, Walter N. (Emily M.): assistant cashier, First National Bank; resided in Phoenix
Jones, D. D.: principal, Goodyear Grade School
Jones, John W. (Vivian): home on Dakota Street
Jones, Leean Mrs.: home on Dakota Street
Jones, R.: rancher
Jordan, Fred C. (Berma): physician on Commonwealth Ave. near San Marcos Ave.; home on Arizona Ave. near Cleveland
Judd, Daniel: rancher, Chandller Improvement Co.


Karnofsky, Jack (Clara); home, California St.
Keener, David A. (Elsie): attorney, Monroe Building; home on Boston St.
Keith, Carrie D. Mrs.; home with J. P. Madray
Keith, John (Carrie): painter, home on Colorado Street
Kieth, Erla: student, resided with Mrs. Kate Wiggins
Kim, Harry: housekeeper, San Marcos Hotel; home on Dakota Street
Knudsen, Knud: rancher
Koch, A. J.
Koch, Ernest J. (Rafaela B.): secretary and manager of Chandler Improvement Co.; home on north Colorado Street
Koch, Ernest Jr.: student, lived with E. J. Koch
Koch, Rafaela: teacher, resided with E. J. Koch
Krebs, John W.: blacksmith
Kunst, O. Henry (Bertha): gardener, San Marcos Hotel; home on Commonwealth Ave.


Lang, H. B.: rancher
Lattin, Mary: student, residing with Mrs. A. C. Branaman
THE LEADER (Joseph Friedberg): dry goods, on Boston, at corner of San Marcos Place
LeBaron, Ted: baker, Vance Bros.
LeBlanc, W. L. (LeBlanc & Co.)
LE BLANC & CO. (W. L. LeBlanc and I. C. Zeh): building contractors with Arizona Hardware & Lumber Co.
Leister, Arthur H. (Maude): rancher, home on Dakota Street
LEMON BROS. (Hubert G. and Roy G.): Successors to Chandler Hardware & Cycle Co.. The business offered hardware, auto supplies, farm implements, tents, furniture, harnesses, etc. It was on Arizona Ave. near Boston.
Lemon, Hubert G. (Lemon Bros.)
Lemon, Roy G. (Tillie) (Lemon Bros.); home on south Boston St.
Lemon, William S.
Lentz, Peter (Maria): cement contractor, Washington Street
Lewis, Arthur: rancher
Lewis, George F. (El Verjel Rancho Inc.) and Reader, Church of Christ Scientist
Lewis, Helen G.
Lewis, Iva: clerk, Chandler Arizonan; resided with W. N. Gaylord
Lewis, Nellie J. Mrs.
Lewis, Webster J. (El Verjel Rancho Inc.)
Lively, Wheeler G. (Sular): foreman, Chandler Improvement Co. Ranch; home on Boston St.
Loomis, Harry S.: laborer
Love, Fred: assistant agent, Arizona Eastern Railway (AERR)
Lovett, Hartley E. (Tennie): mechanic, home on California St.
Loyal Order of Moose, Chandler Lodge No. 582
Lukin, Abe (Lucille) (Lukin Cash Grocery & Meat Market) and member City Council; home on California St.
LUKIN CASH GROCERY & MEAT MARKET (Abe Lukin); San Marcos Place.


McAndrews, Thomas
McBrayer, William D. (Laura): clerk
McBrewer, John: home on California St.
McCally, C. W. (Carrie P.): rancher
McClellan, David A. Jr.: salesman, Reliable Hardware Co.
McCleve, J. H. (Doris): rancher
McCrite, John: rancher, Chandler Improvement Co.; home on Dakota St.
McGhee, Collwell S. (Nellie): foreman, Chandler Water & Power Co.; home on Dakota St.
McKay, James Mrs.: manager, San Marcos Hotel


Maddox, Theobold: assistant manager, San Marcos Hotel
Madray, Dock P. (Anna): truck driver; home on California St.
Madray, Earl: mechanic; resided with J. P. Madray
Madray, Gladys: clerk, Post Office
Madray, Joseph P. (Carrie): painter; home on Colorado St.
Madray, Lester H. (Ethel): salesman, Lukin Cash Grocery; home on California St.
Madray, Roy: salesman, Reliable Hardware Co.
Magwarth, Boliver: printer, Chandler Arizonan
Magwarth, Theo: printer, Chandler Arizonan
Mallory, Harry: rancher
Malone, Charles L. (Bertie): carpenter;  home, Dakota St.
Mason, Mary Mrs., home, Delaware St.
Mason, Ray: rancher, residence, Mrs. M. Mason
Mason, Robert: rancher, residence, Mrs. Mary Mason
Mason, William: laborer
Masterson, William; residence, C. F. Tate
Mather, Stephen D.: rancher
Mather, Myra S. Mrs.
Matthews, Charles H. (Jessie): rancher, home on Dakota St.
Means, Herbert E. (Velma C.): carpenter, home California St.
Meason, James M. (May): physician
Meehan: A. W.: painter
Meehan, Bessie Mrs.
Meehan, Charles P., home, Boston St.
Meehan, G. T.: rancher
Meehan, James C.
Meek, Richard M.: proprietor, Sanitary Market; home, Cleveland St.
MENHENNET THEATRE, William Menhennet Mgr. San Marcos Place
Menhennet, William: manager of Menhennet Theatre, residence in Mesa
Meras, Blas (Soledad): restaurant, Boston St.
MERCHANTS CAFE, Roy Whitnah, proprietor, "The Best Place To Eat";  Arizona Avenue Ave. near Boston
Metcalf, Robert D. (Mamie): proprietor, Suhwaro Hotel
Methodist Episcopal Church, Cleveland, between Chandler and Dakota
Meyer, Samuel A. (Vera): editor, Chandler Arizonan, home on north Washington St.
Michaels, W. R.: rancher; home, north Delaware St.
Milam, A. J.: rancher
Milam, W. H.: rancher
Miles, Joseph H. (Miles & Vappas)
MILES & VAPPAS (J. H. Miles, James Vappas): restaurant on Boston Street
Millen, George
Miller, Edith F.: clerk, San Marcos Hotel
Miller, Mary: teacher, Chandler High School
Miller, R. Monroe (Nell O.): rancher
Millet, Eunice Mrs.; residence with J. J. Allison
Mineah, George E. (Daisy J.): manager, Arizona Hardware & Lumber Co.; home on east Buffalo St.
Mineah, Ralph D.: yardman, Arizona Hardware & Lumber Co.
Mitchell, May: nurse, K. M. Gilbert
Molino, Serafino (Catalina): laborer, home on Colorado St.
MONROE BUILDING, San Marcos Place, near Commonwealth Ave.
Moore, Dorothy E.: teacher, Chandler Grade Schools
Moore, Walter: rancher, resided with J. M. Wilkinson
Moores, W. C.: foreman, Chandler Egyptian Cotton Gin Co.
Morgan, Anna Mrs.: telephone operator, Mt. States Telephone & Telegraph; resided with A. M. Willis
Morgareidge, Alva T. (Reliable Hardware Co.)
Morgensen, Andrew  I.: cattleman, resided with Mrs. Johanna Morgensen
Morgensen, Johanna Mrs., home on Dakota St.
Morgensen, Joseph
Morgensen, Nellie: teacher, Chandler Grade Schools
Morrill, Robert W.
Morris, Clementine P. Mrs.
Morris, E. R.
Morris, Flossie Mrs.
Morris, Harvey M.
Morrison, Waldo: clerk
Mortensen, Alma C. (Leonora) (Chandler-Phoenix Express); home on south Oregon St.
Muncey, Wiilliam M. (Belle): rancher, Chandler Improvement Co.; home on Dakota St.\
Murphree, F. P. Mrs.
Musser, John R., resided with R. B. Musser
Musser, Robert B. (Margaret G.) (White House),  home on south Oregon
Myers, H. S.: mechanic


Nagle, Park: cook, San Marcos Hotel
Nagle, Ted: chef, San Marcos Hotel
Nation, Thomas
Nelson, J. Eugene (May): carpenter, home on Dakota St.
Nelson,  Martin
NEW HOME SEWING MACHING CO. , 331 W. Washington, Phoenix
NEW YORK MERCANTILE CO. INC., Fred Pyeatt, secretary-treasurer-manager; general merchandise, San Marcos Place
Newby, William E.
Newman, Frank J. : plumber, lived at Suhwaro Hotel
Nier, Harry: chief engineer, San Marcos Hotel
Norton, Clara R. : clerk, White House, resided with G. W. Norton
Norton, George W. (Maggie): rancher, home on Oregon, near California
Norton, Ira Lee: clerk, The Leader, resided with G. W. Norton
Norton, William B. : bookkeeper, resided with G. W. Norton
Norwood, Benjamin F. : rancher
Norwood, Charles C. : shoe repair
Norwood, Charles H. : blacksmith
Norwood, M. M. : rancher
Norwood, W. B. rancher


Olsen, Ole: rancher
Overacker, E. S. : rancher
Owens, Christopher C. (Segie): rancher, Chandler Improvement Co.; home on Boston St.


Parke, Leonard C. : acting postmaster
Parkerson, Floyd T. ; resided with Mrs. G. E. Parkerson
Parkerson, G. Ella Mrs. ; home on Dakota Street
Parkerson, Thomas T
Parkerson, W. Emmet (Callie) : rancher, home on Dakota St.
Parkerson, W. J. : rancher
Parkhurst, Jacob L. : rancher, Route 1
Parkinson, Albert T. : rancher
Patterson, Harry: laborer, residing with Webster Wheelock
Peel, B. F. : rancher
Peeler, Madge E. , : bookkeeper, resided with Mrs. G. M. Woodson
Peeler, Martha E. , widow, J. E.
Peevey, Benjamin L.
Peevey, Lucian L.
Peevey, Lucian L. Jr.
Peevey, Thomas I (Melissa): laborer, home on Dakota St.
Pennington, Glaley, resided with Isaac Pennington
Pennington, Isaac (Loula): rancher, home on Dakota St.
Pennington, Lizzie, resided with Isaac Pennington
Pennington, Lonnie, resided with Isaac Pennington
Penrod, Clara Mrs. , resided with Mrs. Mary Resner
Perkins, Benjamin T.
Perkins, Charles L.
Perkins, S. H. : rancher
Perkins, Vesta Mrs. : clerk, The Leader, resided with Walker Weeks
Perry, Edward H. : plasterer, home on Washington St.
PETERS, ALFRED J. & CO., E. H. Pew, manager; feed; Commonwealth Ave. near AEER Depot
Peterson, Charles: rancher, Route 1
Peterson, Elmer: student, resided with H. L. Peterson
Peterson, Esther L. : teacher, resided with H. L. Peterson
Peterson, Henry L. (Cora A.) : rancher and member of City Council, home north Washington St.
Pew, Ellis H. : manager of Alfred J. Peters & Co., Gilbert resident
Phelps, Joseph: rancher
Phelps, Joseph M. (Frances): watchman, home on Dakota St.
Phillips, James W. : rancher
Pickrell, W. Watson:  manager, Chamber of Commerce
Pifer, David H. : barber, Commonwealth Ave., near San Marcos Place
Pleasant, Samuel: carpenter, resided with W. P. Pleasant
Pleasant, William P. (Ethel): building contractor,  home on Boston St.
Pleasant, W. Stacy (Irene): carpenter, home on Boston St.
Polaco, Alberto, (Rose): laborer, home on Colorado Street
POPULAR STORE, Serrano Bros. proprietors, dry goods, Arizona Avenue near Boston
POST OFFICE: L. C. Parke, acting postmaster, San Marcos Place
Pratt, G. M. : building contractor, resided at Hotel Chandler
Price, Arthur E. : attorney, Monroe Building
Putnam, S. Ross; pharmacist, Gardner & Harmer
Pyeatt, Fred S. (Nell M.): manager, New York Mercantile Co., home on Arizona Avenue near Cleveland


Redfern, John S. : salesman, Lemon Bros.
Reese, Daniel T.
Reese, John T. : rancher
RELIABLE HARDWARE CO. (A. T. Morgareidge, J. D. Thorn Jr.); on Boston, opposite San Marcos Place
RELIANCE PLUMBING & ELECTRIC CO.: agents, A-B-C Super Electric Washing Machines and Ohio Vacuum Cleaners, 142 W. Main, Mesa
Resner, Mary, widow of George H. ; home on Dakota St.
Reynolds, Ralph L. : bookkeeper, Chandler Improvement Co.
Rice, E. David, resided with Mrs. William Rice
Rice, Irene: clerk, Webers Pharmacy, resided with Mrs. William Rice
Rice, Merton N. (Beulah), with J. L. Entrekin, home on north Colorado
Rice, William Mrs. , home on California St.
Richardson, Duke (Chloie): mechanic, Chandler Motor Co., home on north Colorado
Richardson, Lola Mrs. (Chandler Motor Co.); resided with Lorenzo Richardson
Richardson, Lorenzo (Lola): mechanic, Chandler Motor Co.; home on Cleveland St.
Rickel, Joseph B. (Mary R.) , assistant supply agent, Standard Oil Co., home on California St.
Rittner, Paul: salesman, New  York Mercantile Co.
Robb, Martha M. Mrs. , home on Dakota St.
Roberts, Frank: laborer
Roberts, Harvey
Robinson, Dorothy B. : teacher, Chandler Grade Schools; resided with W. H. Robinson
Robinson, Grace P. Mrs. ; manager San Marcos Hotel
Robinson, William H. (Grace P.) ; writer, home on north Washington St.
Rodgers, Britton M. (Jalie): rancher, home on Dakota St.
Rodgers, Edgar A. : rancher
Rodriguez, Macedonio: billiards, Washington St.
Rodriguez, Macedonio (Concepcion): laborer, home on Cypress St.
Rogers, Cecil P. :  student, resided with C.P. Rogers
Rogers, Commodore Perry (Ella L.) : carpenter, home on Dakota St.
Rogers, E. Elizabeth: student, resided with C. P. Rogers
Rogers, Iva M. : teacher, Chandler Grade Schools, resided with C. P. Rogers
Rogers, Joseph J. (Leona): carpenter, home on California St.
Rogers, Ora L. : carpenter, resided with C. P. Rogers
Rosamond, William T. (Emma M.) : painter, north Dakota St.

NOTE; Page 538, containing the rest of the R names and beginning of the S names  is missing


Slawson, Amos P.
Sloan, Charles P. (Nancy J.) : rancher
Smalley, Grace Mrs. : waiter, H. J. Ellis
Smith, Bert
Smith, Fullen: clerk, Williams Grocery
Smith, George W. (Laura M.) : carpenter, home on Dakota St.
Smith, Harry P. : general manager, San Marcos Hotel
Smith, Joseph H. (Lucy) (Smith & Shumate), home on California St.
Smith, Mary A. Mrs.
Smith, Mary E. : teacher, Chandler Grade Schools; resided with Mrs. M. M. Robb
Smith, William C. (Lue): carpenter, home on Dakota St.
Smith, William J, resided with M. B. Coates
SMITH & SHUMATE (Joseph Smith, Frank Shumate): grocers, San Marcos Place
Snoddy, Robert C. (Ada): carpenter, home on California St.
Sorrells, George W. (Catherine): laborer, home on Dakota St.
Soto, C. L. : rancher
Souchek, Rudolph: gardener, San Marcos Hotel
Soza, Manuel: laborer, home, Cypress Ave.
Soza, Placido: laborer, home, Delaware St.
Sparks, C. L. : salesman
Sparks, Joseph F. (Maude) : meat cutter, Lukin Cash Grocery; home, Dakota St.
Sparks, J. Emmet (Ruby T.) : clerk, Williams Grocery; home, Dakota St.
Sparks, Laurie
Sparks, Newell C. : carpenter, resided with J. E. Sparks
Spears, W. J. : rancher, Chandler Improvement Co.
Stall, D. W. : rancher
Stall, Harry: rancher
Stall, John F.
STANDARD OIL CO. : George G. Baxter, supply agent; Delaware, corner of Boston
Stanford, Bert G. : salesman, Lemon Bros.
Stanford, Cal C. : shoemaker, Lemon Bros.
Stevens, Dana C. (Elsie): building contractor, Colorado St.
Stewart,  Anna E. Mrs.
Stewart, Cal B. (Daisy): expressman,  Cleveland St.
Stewart, Helen: teacher, Chandler Grade Schools
Stewart, Henry: rancher
Stewart, H. M. Mrs.
Stewart, Mary L. Mrs.
Stewart, Orville: rancher
Stewart, Owen L. : rancher
Stewart, Sarah C. Mrs.
Stidham, Delbert (Susie) : carpenter, home, N. Colorado St.
Stiles, B. (Roxie) : teamster
Stiles, B. L. : cotton pressman, resided with E. G. Townsend
Stiles, B. L. Jr. : rancher
Stiles, L.L. : laborer
Stiles, Nellie Mrs.
Stillwell, Roll A. (Minnie) ; home, Cleveland St.
Stockford, John B. (Nettie): blacksmith; home, Colorado St.
Stone, W. H. : rancher
Stowe, Mark W. (Martha A.) : deputy sheriff; home, California St.
Stowe, Martha A. Mrs. : telephone operator, Mt. States Tel. & Tel. Co., lived with M. W. Stowe
Stringer, Lewis E. (Bessie) : rancher; home, Delaware St.
Stromberg, Edwin O. : rancher
SUHWARO HOTEL: R. D. Metcalf, proprietor, Buffalo, corner of Arizona Ave.
Sutherland, Walter W.
Sutton, Alfred J.
Sutton, C. A. : rancher


Tabor, George E.
Tate, Charles F. (Lesbie), R. D. carrier, Post Office, home on California St.
Taylor, Blythe: student, lived with Mrs. H. N. Taylor
Taylor, George E. (Hazel M.) : With J. L. Entrekin, home on north Colorado St.
Taylor, Hally N. Mrs. : teacher, Chandler Grade Schools, home on Colorado St.
Teal, Charles B. (Clara), (Chandler Motor Co.); home on Colorado St.
Terry, James (Isla)
Thiebaud, M. J. : mechanic, Chandler Garage
Thomas, Frances
Thomas, John S. : rancher R. 1
Thomas, L. J. : rancher
Thomas, W. A. : rancher
Thorn, Joseph D. (Nellie); resided with J. D. Thorn Jr.
Thorn, Joseph D. Jr. (Caroline) (Reliable Hardware); home on north Washington St.
Thrailkill, King D. (Beall & Thrailkill)
Thude, Ludwig
Timins, J. H. : horseman
Tony, Leona M. : salesman, New York Mercantile Co., resided with J. B. Wright
Townsend, Earl G. (Jessie I.) : salesman, Standard Oil Co.; home on Dakota St.
Tripp, W. H. (Bessie C.) : rancher
Tyler, Charles A. : cementworker, lived with R. M. Tyler
Tyler, Norma, resided with R. M. Tyler
Tyler, Robert M. (Charlotte); home on California St.


Underhill, S. M. : rancher
UNION AUTO TRANSPORTATION CO. , San Marcos Place, corner of Commonwealth
UNION STOCK YARD, Arizona Eastern Rail way tracks, half a mile south of station

VANCE BROS. , G. A. Vance, manager; bakery on Boston St.
Vance, George A. (Martin): manager, Vance Bros, home on Boston, corner of Cleveland
Vance, L. W. : rancher
Van Horne, Nancy Mrs. ; resided with Mrs. Mary Mason
Veale, E. R. : rancher
Vappas, James (Miles & Vappas)
Varr, Orpha Mrs. , chief operator, Mt. States & Telegraph Co., home on Oregon near Buffalo
Verdugo, Jose; confy, Boston St.
Vogt, R. R. : carpenter, home on California St.


Wah, George Y. , grocery and meats, Boston St.
Walker, Mack
Walloth, Leopold: gardener, home on Colorado St.
Ward, Buff: meat cutter, resided with Mrs. M. E. Sellers
Ward, M. E. Mrs.
Ward, Thomas; resided with Mrs. M. E. Sellers
Warringer, W. A. : rancher
Washburn, J. B.  : rancher
Washburn, J. W. : rancher
Weaver, Ozula, resided with L. H. Madray
Webbs, Matthew C.
Weber, John B. (Luella R.) : proprietor, Webers Arrow Pharmacy and city council member; home on California St.
WEBERS ARROW PHARMACY, J. B. Weber, proprietor, on Boston, corner of Arizona Ave.
Weeks, Minnie, Mrs. : clerk, The Leader, resided with Walker Weeks
Weeks, Walker (Minnie) : laborer,  home on Dakota St.
Welch, Clinton: laborer, resided with Nathan Breshears
Wheelock, Webster (May): laborer, home on Boston St.
White, Georgia B. Mrs.
WHITE HOUSE, THE (R. B. Musser): dry goods, San Marcos Pl.
White, J. W. : rancher
White, Lucy E. Mrs.
Whitener, Jesse L. : warehouseman, Arizona Eastern Railroad
Whitnah, Roy: proprietor, Merchants Cafe
Whitney, Bernadine M. Mrs. : bookkeeper, Lemon Bros.
Wiggins, Austin B.
Wiggins, Catherine: steno, Bank of Chandler, resided with Mrs. Kate Wiggins
Wiggins, Kate A. , widow J. R. ; home on Dakota St.
Wigley, J. R. : rancher
Wilkins, Melissa Mrs. : dressmaker, resided with Mrs. L. F. Jones
Wilkinson, H. P.
Wilkinson, James M. (Ruth): rancher, home on Dakota St.
Williams, Charles: clerk, Williams Grocery, resided with Delmer Williams
Williams, David: rancher
Williams, Delmer (Effie A.) (Williams Grocery); home on Oregon, near Buffalo
Williams, George H. (Mary): laborer, home on north Washington St.
WILLIAMS GROCERY (Delmer Williams): groceries, meats and ice, San Marcos Place
Williams, Lee: clerk, Williams Grocery, resided with Delmer Williams
Williams, Thomas: carpenter, resided with Leopold Walloth
Williamson, Lillie Mrs.
Willis, Ada, resided with A. M. Willis
Willis, Amasa (Edna F.) : laborer, home on Dakota St.
Willis, Amasa M. (Eda): rancher, home on Dakota St.
Willis, A. Tillman (Ida F.) : carpenter, home on California St.
Willis, C. H. : rancher, Chandler Improvement Co.
Willis, Frank W. : salesman, Lukin Cash Grocery, resided with A. M. Willis
Willis, Homer P. : rancher, resided with A. M. Willis
Willis, John W. : carpenter, resided with A. M. Willis
Wilson, Frank: tractor operator, Chandler Improvement Co.
Wilson, G. M. : rancher
Wilson, Sallie Mrs.
Wilson, Walter (Irma) : rancher, Chandler Improvement Co.; home on Dakota St.
Winn, David: real estate
Winn, D. J. : laborer
Winn, E. J.
Winn, Roscoe: clerk, William Brooks
Winn, Rozetta Mrs.
Winters, Mildred W. Mrs. , home on California St.
Witten, A. S. : tractor operator, Chandler Improvement Co.
Wood, Roy A. (Florence) : rancher
Woodmansee, Annie D. Mrs. , resided with J. P. Madray
Woodmansee, Charles E. (Merle) : salesman, White House, home on California St.
Woodson, Gertrude M. Mrs. , home on Commonwealth Ave.
Woodson, R. A.
Wooley, William: teacher, Chandler High School
Woolf, John (Alice)
Worley, Arthur B. (Dora) : rancher, home on Cleveland St.
Worley, Victor, resided with A. B. Worley
Wright, John B. (Gladys) : barber, F. S. Seaver, home on California St.


Yontz, Ralph E. (Nettie): watchmaker with Gardner & Harmer, home on California St.
Young, Charles A. (Maydie)
Young, Josie C. Mrs. : hairdresser, San Marcos Hotel


Zeh, I. C. (Le Blanc & Co.)