Box Socials

Box Socials

-Chandler school house will host a box social this (Friday) evening.  All women of Chandler and its environs is expected to come with gaily decorated box with goods to satisfy a man's stomach.  They are asked to come early.  The bidding is expected to bring good money since many hubbies are told to make it a brisk.

An excellent program will be given in the forepart of the evening.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/21/1913)

-The box social last Friday brought in an even $100 with $200 worth of fun.  Before the auction was a fine program.  Arthur Trunnel sang dialect songs which brought applause.  Mr. Newman's solo and banjo playing was unique and original.

A committee of Messrs. Larmour, Berry, and Manchester chose the best basket.  The auctioneer was Nickelson who disposed the winner of best basket to James Bromby for six dollars.  The girl who made the best basket was Lottie Nevett.  Other winners of baskets were H.L. Jennings, L.A. Bade, A. and R. Dorman and others.  The most popular girl was Miss Gladys Bailey with Miss Snell getting second.

The program: 1. Song by chorus 2. Reading by Miss Russell 3. A recitation by Wilbur Eldridge 4. Comic songs by Mr. Trunnel 5. A reading by Miss Arnold 6. Banjo playing by Mr. Manchester 7. Singing by sexettee: Messrs. Bromby, Trunnel, Cleveland, A. and R. Dorman and Nickelson 8. A reading by Miss McGaughey 9. A recitation by Miss Zillah Rogers 10. Solo and banjo playing by Mr. Newman 11. A recitation by Miss Jean Rogers 12. Singing by Miss Berry.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/28/1913)

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