Fourth of July Celebration, 1913

Fourth of July Celebration, 1913

-Messrs. Larmour and Berry have arranged with Dr. Chandler to use rooms in the hotel and various townsites as needed for the fouth of July celebration.  Though it is still in planning stages, a mammoth barbeque is planned.

Also there will be a baseball game between the married and unmarried men.  No errors will be counted, but a fumble will cost a base or a run.

There will be a fat man's race, a potato race, an apple biting contest, a girls' bean bag scrimmage, and stunts for the boys.

The night will end with fireworks, and the reading of the Declaration of Independence.  There will be free lemonade and ice water.

No outsiders will be allowed to come in with ice cream stands.

The work of putting together a program and various committees has been started, and everyone is expected to do their part.  Next week's newspaper will have more info.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/13/1913)

-Mrs. Larmour and Mrs. Denny have been raising funds for the Chandler 4th celebration.  Subscription blanks have been left at the Roscoe Store, Rinear and Sons, M.J. Trainer's barber shop, and the office of the Chandler Improvement Company.  $55 have been raised so far.  Mr. Pleasant will deal with the barbecue, and the Ladies' Aid Society will take care of the rest of the food.  It is also planned to buy ice cream and to sell it.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/20/1913)

-Messrs. Larmour, Berry, and Halstead have been busy completing the program.  It will start at 9:30 am with the baseball game.  The meal will be served from 12 noon to 2.  They are considering letting the men serve the meal to relieve the women, and about a dozen of them have volunteered.  There won't likely be fireworks since an incorporated town can't have any, and they have to be gotten from Phoenix which only has old stock on hand.

There will be races, tug of war, jumping contests.  The prizes will be one dollar.  Some events are being omitted for surprises. 

Also a second baseball game will be played at  three against the Sweetwater Indians says Manager McKay.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

-The married and unmarried men are busy practicing for the baseball game.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/4/1913)

-Cost of Celebration: Received from all sources, $114.70; Expenses, $113.40; Balance $1.30.

The balance will go to the church building fun with a one dollar prize returned makes a total of $2.30.

Signed E.N. Larmour, Chairman Committee  (Chandler Arizonan 7/11/1913)

-About 500 people showed up for the celebration, and it was held without a hitch.

At 10 o'clock, the baseball game started between the married and unmarried men.  The single men won 10 to 9.  Married men included McGhee, Dana, and McKay while the unmarried were Halstead and Armstrong.  The rest of the roster was lost when it was used as a plate for the barbecue.

At 12 o'clock, W.P. Pleasant, main chef for the barbecue announced that the meat was ready for carving.  The ladies in the meantime had setup a long row of tables in the hotel's area-way where they put dishes and silverware then pots of beans, salads, and other eatables, together with pies and cakes.  Then the barbecue was brought forward in sacks.

Rev. E.D. Raley, school superintendent for Sunday schools in the state of Arizona, pronounced the blessing.

It took one man two hours cutting 100 loaves of bread, and four others to carve the meat, and then kept busy making sandwiches.

The ice cream provided by Donoforo's of Phoenix took four people to serve.  Four different varieties were served including strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, and pineapple sherbet.  Many kids were coming up for many helpings saying it was for family members.

The Arizona-Eastern Railroad tied up their train long enough to enjoy the barbecue.

It was close to 3 o'clock when the races started on the tree lined walk on Commonwealth Avenue.  Messrs. Berry, Rogers, Raley, and Larmour were officials.

The first race was the block race.  Cleveland won the first semi-final with Eldridge a close second.  John Guess won his semi-final, and would beat Cleveland in the final. 

The boys' block race had Cethil Mallory and Ralph Carlson in the finals.  It was so close it was called a tie, and the prize was split between them.  Twelve boys entered in total.

Six girls entered their race with Cecil Rogers and Clara Carlson tying the race.

Four men entered the fat man's race, and S.A. Meyer won easily.  M.P. Freeman missed the race and wanted to race the winner, but that was against the rules.

The wheelbarrow race was won by R.J. Cleveland, and the three-legged race went to Cleveland and Roy Ayers.  Harry Langlois won the standing broad jump, and Willis Davidson won the hurdle race.  The Eldridge boy won the sack race.  The tug of war was never held due to disagreements. 

That ended the celebration. 

Dr. Chandler as unable to make it in time for the festivities.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/11/1913)

-Dishes were found left at the fourth of July celebration site.  Mrs. Larmour is holding on to them until they are claimed.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/11/1913)

-In the evening, young folks enjoyed a hay ride and a drive towards Mesa.  On the way home, they stopped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Barton, where light refreshments were served.  The Bartons and F.I. Berry were chaperones.

The following people attended: Coralinn Brass, Marguerite Appaley, Ivy Rogers, Zetta Appaley, Nellie Brass, Zillah Rogers, Jean Rogers, Lena Hansen, Ora Hansen, Amy Hansen, Jack Gilbert, Oscar Berg, Dan Reese, Jasper Halstead, George Armstrong, Harry Stall, and John Hansen.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/11/1913)

-A delightful dance was given that night at the new school unit.  There was about 30 couples, and the musice was provided by Messrs. Wolf and Rinear and Mrs. Montgomery.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/11/1913)

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