State Sunday School Convention 1913

State Sunday School Convention 1913

-On April 28th, a state Sunday School convention will be held in Chandler.  Four prominent church leaders will be here, and they are D. Carl Williams, H.A. Deck, W.D. Heinbaugh, and Edward D. Raley.  The four ministers represent different dominations being Baptist, Congregational, Presbyterian, and Methodist.  They are traveling  the state in 30 days starting in Mesa.

Sunday school adjacent should come, and listen to their ideas on how to lead a successful Sunday school.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/18/1913)

-A Sunday school convention will be held next Monday.  A large number of outsiders are expected.  It will provide a lot of instruction on Sunday school teaching.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/25/1913)

-One hundred people attended the convention on Monday.  Three original speakers were unable to attend with only Edward D. Raley came with two substitutes.  They were Rev. J.C. Van der Las in charge of the Native American work in the Presbyterian Church in Phoenix, and Rev. W. L. Summers of the First M.E. Church in Mesa. 

Mr. Raley told the audience that Chandler has the largest growing Sunday school in the state, and is making great strides.  The next few years will see even greater gains.

Mr. Van Der Las talked about graded literature.  He says the teachers should grade their children to see their progress.  He listed out ten subjects the school should teach.

Rev. Summers spoke about giving teachers powers, and they should know the subject well. 

Another meeting is planned here in the future here.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/2/1913)

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