04: Walls In Place For Holding Concrete
This photograph originally ran in the October 5, 1912 edition of the Chandler Arizonan. The caption that accompanied this image said, "Superintendent W. R. Hoag now has nearly fifty men at work on the Hotel San Marcos. The photographic cut below shows the foundation holes of the main building and the wooden
supports which are to hold the concrete in place while it hardens. The photograph as taken from the northeast corner of the site and gives an idea of the immense preparatory work while awaiting the arrival of the steel for reinforcing. Three cars of the steel arrived during the week over the Santa Fe and Southern Pacific. President Chandler hopes to have the hotel open by January 1, 1913."
Description: Photograph taken from the October 5, 1912 edition of the Chandler Arizonan
Accession #: 91-12-1
Gift of: Chandler Arizonan Tribune