Chandler Band

Chandler Band

-Mr. Wolf, a veteran musician and organizer of bands, has organized a band for Chandler with eight accomplished musicians signing up and four more expected.

The following members with their insturments: J. Halstead, cornet, B.A. Armstrong, trombone, Charley Cox, trombone, Berton Rinear, drums, Mr. Brewer, tuba, and Thomas Anderson, alto.

A meeting will be held Friday at the Arizonan office to perfect the organization.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/6/1913)

-The band has elected officers.  Mr. Wolf will be chairman, and B.C. Armstrong will be treasurer and secretary.  Practice will be every Saturday night at the San Marcos Hotel.

The members are Thomas Anderson, C. Arnold, B. Rinear, Bert Armstrong, J. Halstead, Charles Cox, A. Brewer, Dr. Jordan, Mr. Wolf, and Mr. Armstrong.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/20/1913)

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