A: 1929 Chandler City Directory

A: 1929 Chandler City Directory

Ackley, Loren: teacher, Chandler Junior High School
Adams, Lloyd E.: telegraph operator, Southern Pacific Co.
Addis, Lilian: resident at San Marcos Hotel
Alcantor, Frank: 176 S. Colorado
ALFALFA MILLING CO. OF ARIZONA: G. C. Spilsbury, manager; east Boston, corner of Nevada
Allen, Edward (Rosieta): home on south Colorado
Allison, John J. (Effie): manager, Chandler Machine Works; home, 168 W. Boston
Anderson, Arthur (Edna): clerk, Safe-way Pay'n Takit Stores; home, 127 S. California
Anderson, W. H.: chef, San Marcos Hotel
Androde, Robert: meat cutter, Safe-way Pay'n Takit Stores
Aguilar, Juan (Francisca): laborer, home 111b S. Washington
ARIZONA INVESTMENT SERVICE: George L. Still, general manager; investment counselors, 22 W. Monroe, Tel 3-1158, Phoenix
Armigo, isaac (Margaret): plasterer, home on south Colorado
Arneil, Joseph D. (Belle C.): home, 30 W. Boston
Arriaga, Gavino (Chonita): home, south Colorado
ARROW PHARMACY (J. Homer Shrewsbury); Drug sundries, Kodaks, Victrolas, cigars, candies, fountain in connection, 1 W. Boston, Tel 37
Arvizo, Peter (Helen): meats, 70 San Marcos Place
Austin, Fred P.: superintendent, Chandler Schools
Austin, Wilfred G. (Dorothy): teacher, Chandler High School; home, 212 N. Washington

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