G: 1929 Chandler City Directory

G: 1929 Chandler City Directory

Gaylord, Beatrice: 112 S. Oregon
Gaylord, Wiliam N. (Hattie): 112 S. Oregon
George, Nina F.: stenographer, Chandler Improvement Co.: home, 288 N. Washington
GERRARD, S.A. CO.: fruit packers, Nevada, corner of Chicago
Gibson, Irving L. (Margaret) (White Cross Drug Co.): home, 157 N. Washington
Gilbert, Kramer M. (Bessie): physician, 71 W. Boston; home, 114 N. Colorado
Giles, M. Lee (Valeria): carpenter; home, 280 N. California
Gipe, Howard C. (Ruth): assistant cashier, Chandler Improvement Co.; home, 1/2 mile west of city
Goetz, William (Annie): manager, Heid Bros.; home, 91 N. Oregon
Goff, Charles S. (Goff Motor Co.): Casa Grande resident
Goff, Edward S. (Goff Motor Co.): home, 158 N. Washington
GOFF MOTOR CO. (E. S. Goff and C. S. Goff): 111 S. Washington
Gohn, John T. (Mollie F.): farmer; home, 154 S. California
Golden, Susie Mrs.: 340 N. Dakota
Goodman, Howard A. (Ella): gas station; home, 131 S. Arizona
Goodykoontz, Olive: teacher, Chandler Grade School
Grasty, Emmett C. (Julia): ice manufacturer, Delaware corner of Chicago; home, 76 N. Arizona
Grasty, Louise C. (widow of R. S.): home, 142 N. Washington
Graves, Carl A. (Daisy M.): city clerk judge police court; home, 178 N. Dakota
Griffith, Daniel D. (Myrtle): plumber, home, 102 S. Colorado
Grosh, George V. (Mildred): chauffeur, S. O. Co.; home, 116 N. California
Groshong, Louella M.: 261 N. Colorado

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