Goodykoontz, Olive

Goodykoontz, Olive

Olive Goodykoontz was a former school teacher in Chandler.  Her parents were Von and Myrtle Goodykoontz.  She had three siblings: Harold, Kent, and Mildred.  Olive was raised in the Quaker church, and as an adult she became very active in the American Friends Service Committee doing relief work.  She started her relief work in Tennessee and Kentucky in the 1930s.  After World War II ended, there was a huge demand for relief workers in Europe.  Olive was assigned to head up a relief team in Germany, where she ended up working for many years, returning to Chandler to care for sick family members, celebrate holidays, or do domestic relief work.  Olive kept a daily journal of her experiences.

To explore an online exhibit about Olive and her experiences, CLICK HERE.

To read a brief biography of Olive, written by April Boggs, CLICK HERE.

She is listed in the 1929 Chandler City Directory as a teacher at the Chandler Grade School. The 1930 directory said she was a teacher at Chandler Grammar  School. The 1940 Chandler Resident Directory said she was a Chandler school teacher, living on RD 1 (a rural area.)

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