Goodykoontz, Myrtle

Goodykoontz, Myrtle

Myrtle Goodykoontz (née Davis) was born March 24, 1878 in Grant County, Indiana.

Raised in the Quaker faith, Myrtle did service work in Mexico before she was married, teaching at a small desert school and helping provide clothing for the local children. Myrtle chronicled her time at the Hussey Institute in Matamoros, Mexico in a journal, serving as inspiration for her daughter Olive's own journaling and service work. She also briefly served as an instructor at the W.C.T.U. Industrial School in Hadley, Indiana.

Myrtle and her husband Von lived on a farm in Liberty Township, Indiana, where they had three children (OliveHarold, and Kent) and a ward (Mildred).

In 1926 the family moved to Arizona where Myrtle would go on to establish herself as a leader in the small, rural community that was Chandler. Myrtle served on many women's boards and councils including the Y.W.C.A. and Girl Reserves and attended various religious gatherings such as the Epworth League ralleys.

Sadly, she died in the spring of 1944 and didn't get to see her daughter, Olive, make her own way as an international relief worker.

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