Handley, Lily M. (L. M.)

Handley, Lily M. (L. M.)

She appears in the 191919211923192619291930 and 1931 Chandler City Directories as the wife of Otteo Handley, which in the 1920 directory was renamed Otho Handley.

The 1929 and 1930 directories said she worked in real estate at 67 W. Boston and that they lived a mile east of the city.

The 1931 directory gave the same home information but said he worked in real estate at 67 W. Boston.

In the 1940 Chandler Resident Directory, she appears as a real estate broker, working at Handley Realty Co., where her husband was an insurance agent. They lived on the south side of West Boston beyond South Arizona and had the phone number 120.

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