Johnson, George R.
SPOUSES: Hannah G. Johnson
CHILDREN: Grace Johnson, Paul Johnson, Ruth Johnson
He appears in the 1917, 1918 and 1919 Chandler City Directories as a farmer or rancher. His wife was
-Mr. Johnson was one of the speakers at the first meeting of the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association. He pledged to grow a certain amount of acres in cotton.
At the second meeting, he was elected chairman when Lembke was absent. He also gave one dollar to be part of the stock list. (Chandler Arizonan 3/28/1913)
-Mr. Johnson lives south of town.
He planted his cotton seed early on March 18th. Eight acres were planted and he expects it up in ten days. (Chandler Arizonan 3/28/1913)
-Mr. Johnson will be chairman of the annual meeting of the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association on the second Monday of May. (Chandler Arizonan 4/25/1913)
-Mr. Johnson has put in 35 acres of cotton. (Chandler Arizonan 5/16/1913)
-Mr. Johnson brought into the Chandler Improvement Company a bundle of oats measuring six feet high. The heads measured a foot long. He has ten acres in oats which will give about 35 bushels an acre. The peculiar thing was that it was supposed to be used as a nursery crop or cover for his alfalfa but it outgrew early on. (Chandler Arizonan 5/16/1913)
-Mr. Johnson was elected President of the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association and will serve on the board of directors. He was elected at the first annual meeting on Saturday night.
He motioned that the directors would meet with the Mesa association to get a good deal on them ginning Chandler's cotton.(Chandler Arizonan 5/30/1913)
-Mr. and Mrs. Johnson attended a surprise birthday party for Paul Johnson, last Thursday night. (Chandler Arizonan 5/30/1913)
-Mr. Johnson went with the other directors of the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association to Mesa to meet with the Mesa Cotton Exchange to arrange a deal for ginning or the erection of a gin but to no avail. They then met with the Chandler Improvement Company. (Chandler Arizonan 6/13/1913)
-Mr. Johnson presided over the meeting of the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association where he spoke on the meeting with the Mesa Exchange, and how they decided to go with the Chandler Improvement Company's offer.
He was also chosen to travil the valley with Mr. Gordon to get more farmers signed up. (Chandler Arizonan 6/20/1913)
-Mr. Johnson donated $2.50 for the 4th of July celebration. (Chandler Arizonan 6/20/1913)
-Mr. Johnson has planted 20 acres of cotton on hard soil. He planted the first batch of eight acres on March 18th, and it survived the cold nights after March 26th. He planted the last 12 acres by May 2nd.
Conservative estimates says he will get a bale to a bale and a half per acre on the land that no one expected to do well for cotton. He says it has to do with how much cultivating, planting more seed, and just plain hard work. (Chandler Arizonan 8/8/1913)
-Mr. Johnson led the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association on Sunday. (Chandler Arizonan 8/8/1913)