Chandler School Attendance
-Average school attendance was 91% in Janurary. Last Wednesday, Mrs. Seward reported perfect attendance with no absences and no tardies. She has 38 pupils. (Chandler Arizonan 2/7/1913)
-Enrollment last Monday was 126. Of this number, 25 were Mexicans or 20% of the students. Monday was a rainy day, and the attendance dropped badly.
Last Friday ended the fifth month of school, and to the county superintendent a report was sent. This is the summarized version.
Total number of days taught were 89, total number enrolled was 147, and average number belonging 103.5, and average daily attendance is 94.8. (Chandler Arizonan 2/14/1913)
-School attendance for the week of February 17 to February 21.
Mr. Markham had four tardies, 6.5 absences, and an enrollment of 30.
Mrs. Seward had ten tardies, six absences, and an enrollment 40.
Mrs. Gollands had ten tardies, nine absences, and an enrollment of 26.
Miss Kohlmeyer had 18 tardies, 9 absences, and an enrollment of 37.
Mrs. Seward had three days of perfect attendance, and Mrs. Gollands has had four days. (Chandler Arizonan 2/28/1913)