Chandler Service Club

Chandler Service Club

The Chandler Service Club was organized January 15, 1933, under the name Chandler Junior Guild and was formed as a charitable organization to provide free lunches for underprivileged children in the Chandler Schools.

The name of the club was officially changed to Junior Service Club in October of 1933, remaining that way until 1949 when it officially changed to Chandler Service Club.

During the early days of the club, money was raised to finance the school lunch room project by giving pot luck suppers, presenting plays, putting on rummage sales, sponsoring movies, giving bridge luncheons, and putting on fashion shows.

The club held its first Charity ball in December 1933 at the San Marcos Hotel. It is the highlight of the winter social season in the community.

In 1940, as many as 120 children were receiving free lunches.

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