Chandler Public Library - Downtown Location

Chandler Public Library - Downtown Location

  • Opened January 2, 1996

  • Located in historic downtown Chandler

  • 64,000 square feet

  • Administration offices




In August of 1954, the five-year dream of the Chandler Junior Woman’s Club became a reality when the doors of the Chandler Public Library were opened. The group conducted a door-to-door campaign to raise the necessary funds to construct the building ($5,560 total cost) and provide for a small collection of books. As evident in the abundance of support received, the entire community felt that it was important to have a library of its own. Once the doors were opened, the keys were turned over to the City of Chandler for continued operation.



Today, the Chandler Public Library continues its commitment of being the reading, learning, and cultural center for our community. With four locations in all geographic areas of the community, library users have the opportunity to meet and interact with others, sit quietly and read in an approachable and inviting environment, with high-speed access to the digital world. As the information leader, we provide a variety of resources, in a variety of formats, so library users of all ages can explore topics of personal interest and continue to learn throughout their lives.

Pictured above is an aerial view of Chandler from 1955. The area circled in blue is the site of the downtown library (Commonwealth & Delaware), which opened in 1996. This site has been owned by the City of Chandler since the town’s founding and was a park until the current library building. Throughout the decades, neighbors have included the Chandler Train Depot, the homes of agriculture workers, and municipal buildings.











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