Brooks, Arthur L.

Brooks, Arthur L.





-Mr. Brooks enrolled in the Chandler school for the third grade.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/28/1913

-Mr. Brooks was so frightened by a snake that was thrown onto him it caused him to go into hysterics, and loose consciousness for about an hour.

The boy who threw it at him had been arrested, tried, and sent back after paying a fine.  His name is Paul Collum, and had been helped by A.J. Criswell who has disappeared.

Mr. Brooks' father is the one who pressed charges against the boys since his son suffers from poor health.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/1/1913)

The 1926 Chandler City Directory said Arthur L. Brooks lived on south Oregon.

In the 1929 directory, A. L. Brooks appears as working as a clerk for H. S. Kerby.

The 1931 and 1932 directories said A. L. Brooks lived on Route 1.

In the 1940 Chandler Resident Directory, Art L. Brooks is listed as an officer with the Police Department. He lived on the east side of Denver and ha the phone number 156.