Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers Association

A group of cotton growers.

-The association was organized at meeting last week.  W.J. Lembke was named temporary chairman and L.S. Parke was named secretary.

At the meeting, government expert on cotton, E.W. Hudson spoke.  Others that spoke were George Peabody, R.H. Fairbanks, G.R. Johnson, A.E. Stevens, H.D. Clark, George W. Turner and others.

A committee was organized to draft a constitution and by-laws.  Members are H.D. Clark, D.M. Arnold, and George Peabody.

Mr. Turner spoke on how his bank will support the new gin and how to organize it.

A committee was organized to get things started for the gin.  The group would travel to Mesa to meet about marketing and the labor end of the gin.  Members are Lembke, Peabody, Turner, Stevens, and Knepper.

About 400 acres were pledged to be grown this year.  People who pledged were Arnold, Lembke, Parke, Peabody, Johnson, Kreidt, Kunce, Stall, Krueger, Kentz, Barnett, Clark and co., O'Neill, Rurup, Moore, Brass, Stowe, Tripp, Carlson, Pyatt, Gordon, Stevens, Fairbanks, Wirt, Berry, Sorey, Tyler, and several others.

A second metting was set for Sunday at 2 p.m. 

The second meeting had 25 attendees, but temporary chairman Lembke was absent so Secretary Parke called the meeting.  George R. Johnson was selected chairman.

Mr. Turner spoke on the trip to Mesa.  He said it wasn't worth their time since it was filled with debate and arguments.  They didn't learn anything useful.  They decided to adjourn for a week.

Mr. Peabody then spoke on a draft for by-laws, but said they were not ready, because they were waiting for the by-laws of the Orange County Walnut Growers' Association to come in the mail.  He said they had the best set of by-laws for stopping any legal action.

On a motion by Mr. Fairbanks, it was decided to create an advisory board which the members included D.M. Arnold, Samuel Knepper, A.E. Stevens, W.J. Lembke, L.S. Parke, L.H. Sorey, and Guy Tyler of the Higley district.  This board would eventually become the board of directors.  They are to work out the question for the need of a gin.

It was decided to not allow short staple growers into the association.

Also was decided to start a stock list with the following members contributing one dollar: George R. Johnson, D.M. Arnold, A.E. Stevens, William O. Moore, G.L. Gollands, S.A. Meyer, Conrad Kreidt, George Peabody, R.H. Fairbanks, Wm. Dammann, H.D. Clark, L.H. Krueger, J.H. Hurst, G.H. Carlson, D.W. Stall, and L.S. Parke.

The decision was made to leave the stock list at the bank so anyone who wants to join could come and add their name to the list.

The meeting was then adjourned.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/28/1913)

-An important meeting of the association will be held at the Arizonan on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

Secretary L.S. Parke has called for the meeting, and anyone interested in the growing of cotton in Chandler and Higley should attend.

A meeting of the board of directors' will be held at 1:30 for preliminary discussion of the by-laws and constitution.  It will give them a chance to organize the meeting before discussing it with the larger group.

A gin and warehouse will also be discussed.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/18/1913)

-40 cotton growers met last Sunday to organize the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association.  They elected officers and wrote up the by-laws for the association. 

Officers elected: L.H. Sorey, president, D.M. Arnold, vice-president, L.S. Parke, secretary, and Bank of Chandler, treasurer.

Board of directors: all officers and A.E. Stevens, W.J. Lembke, S.W. Knepper, and Guy Tyler.

The purpose is to grow, pick, gin, grade, store, and market, or manufacture cotton and all cotton products.  To own, buy, sell, or deal in real or personal property, and to own, buy, sell, or build and operate all the necessary warehouses, gins, or oil mills as needed.

The annual meeting will be the second of May, and presided over by George Johnson as chairman.

Any cotton grower who holds stock and signs the by-laws gives sole custody of their cotton.

The board of directors will be in charge of selliong to the best markets, and will take on the earnings or losses, and will distribute it among the stockholders.

The growers can use any grade as long as it is not short staple cotton, and will be paid based on their grade and type.

Members need to give 15 days notice to the secretary after the annual meeting.  It will forfeit all membership and stockholding.  If an association is organized closer to you then you don't have to forfeit stockholdings, but can give to someone else with approval of the board of directors.

If a person stops growing cotton, they can hold onto membership, but they loose voting rights until certified with secretary that they are growing again.

Board of directors' will be seven people, and any vacancies will be taken over until someone can be elected.  They will have the power to deal with all business.

Meetings will be held once a month unless called by the president, which will be done by mailing notices.  The directors will receive one dollar for each meeting attended.

All elections will be done by ballot, and each stockholder will have one vote per stockholding.  All proxies must be in writing and filed with the secretary before the vote can be counted.

All growers need to keep cotton in as good of condition until sold by the association.  All cotton grown prior to August 1st of each year shall be entitled to prorate except for by special agreement with the board of directors.

If any director causes dissatisfaction, a special meeting can be called within one week with the signing of a quarter of stockholders.  If two-thirds vote yes for dismissal than the director will loose their placement, and then a new election will start the meeting.

Employees can be hired by the board like a manager will deal with all the business and supervising under the directors.

All cotton will be sold under the name of the association.

Damaged crops can be excluded in whole or part for the season, and may charge the grower for any costs to the association for the loss of time.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/25/1913)

-Articles of incorporation for the association were filed on Thursday with the corporation commission by George T. Peabody.  The capital stock is $25,000, and it is expected the entire membership will be enrolled by next week.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/2/1913)

-A meeting last Wednesday at the San Marcos Hotel for the association was held where they heard the proposal by H.B. Atha of Glendale for a cotton gin.

He proposed building a warehouse in Chandler while having a cotton gin and oil mill in Phoenix, and try to centralize it to cheapen the costs.

The company which is still being formed and stock can be still bought, will sell cotton seed at market price for that day.  They would pay cash, and the grower would get 29% for his lint.

He would send an expert sampler through the fields to grade the seeds, and that will determine price.  The planter will not be compelled to pay the freight cost to Phoenix.  The cost of ginning is about $10.00 a bale.  Mr. Atha refused to pay the price quoted any day on the Boston or Liverpool market.

If a planter doesn't want to sell on the day it was brought in, he could store it and pay the cost of storage.

Mr. Atha promised to make a contract with the association.

He went on to talk about irrigation, and the best ways to plant cotton.

Mr. Loftus from the Chandler Improvement Company, also made a proposition for a gin.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/16/1913)

-The first annual meeting of the association was held in the office of the Arizonan on Saturday night, and the following officers and directors were elected.  President: George R. Johnson, Vice President: C.R. Gordon, Treasurer: Bank of Chandler, and Secretary: L.S. Parke.   The directors will be S. Knepper, C.R. Gordon, G.R. Johnson, A.E. Stevens, L.S. Parke, L.H. Sorey, and Guy Tyler.

D.M. Arnold served as chairman and called the meeting to order.  The previous meetings minutes were read and approved.  Then the central cotton association by-laws were read.  These by-laws were to be adopted by the local association.  Any disapproval is to be sent back to the central association.  Mr. Gordon made a motion, and Mr. Stevens seconded the approval.

Mr. Peabody then announced he had received a telephone message from Mr. Dorman of Mesa, saying the Mesa association had approved the installation of a 10 stand gin using the Platt type.

This caused endless discussion about the advisability of sending a committee to confer with Mesa on the question of ginning.

William McFadden of Phoenix, who attended the Mesa meeting said that Mesa planned to charge $10 a bale with $6 being actual cost, and $4 to pay for the cost of the gin.  Outsiders to be charged $12. 

A representative of the Chandler Improvement Company said that they should confer with the Mesa association about making a deal with them to gin for this district.  If things go well this year then build a gin next year.

Mr. Kreidt argued if they are going to do it to do it now. 

On a motion of Mr. Johnson, it was decided to the directors would meet with the Mesa association about getting the best deal possible.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Gordon and approved.

Mr. McFadden, who represents the Murray Ginning Company of Dallas, Texas, said his company would be willing to build a saw gin in Chandler if the tests on the egyptian cotton proved satisfactory.  If in a year it proved successfull, he would hand it over to the association.  It was met with approval, but was unsure if the saw gin could do the work.  No definite action was taken until McFadden could show his gin could do it.

Mr. Peabody was appointed to attend the meeting of all the associations on Tuesday.

Following that the question of electing the board of directors came up, and since the hour was late, it was hurried through.  Mr. Arnold declined the vice-president or director role since his cotton turned to afalfa, and he had no time to plant cotton.  He didn't feel right heading an organization without planting cotton.

Mr. Fairbanks gave various reason for declining.  Most of the board stayed the same except for Mr. Arnold, W.J. Lembke, who didn't get in any cotton.

The board will serve for one year.  They will be in charge of hiring help, workings of the association, transact business, finding a market, and handling all funds.  The meeting was then adjourned by call of the secretary.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/30/1913)

-Messrs. George R. Johnson, C.R. Gordon, A.E. Stevens, and L.S. Parke went to Mesa on Tuesday for a conference with the Mesa Cotton Exchange, but reached no agreement for ginning or the erection of a gin.  The directors then met with the Chandler Improvement Company which agreed to build a gin in Chandler.  It will be at their expense, and giving the organization a chance to buy it at cost next season if desired.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/13/1913)

-A meeting was held Monday night to discuss the building of a cotton gin in Chandler.  George R. Johnson presided over the meeting, and after general news told the group of the board of directors' meeting with the Mesa Cotton Exchange.  The exchange did not offer to pay for freight or guarantee to sell their cotton after ginning, because of this and the high cost of ginning there they chose to go with the Chandler Improvement Company's deal.

The cost of the new gin will be about $16,000, and after one year the association can buy it at cost from the company.  Any profits made will be discounted from the price.

At the Chandler Gin there will be a flat rate of two cents per pound instead $10 per bale in Mesa.

Mr. Peabody spoke after Mr. Johnson.  He discussed a levy of 10 cents an acre put on by the central association to bring in farm labor.  They are reaching out to southern white families to come here for three months with the possibility to stay here and rent or buy land.  Two cents of the levy can be paid in advance.  The board of supervisors has agreed to pay one dollar for every dollar raised by the farmers.  The Phoenix Board of Trade is also considering the same thing.

The Chandler Improvement Company wants to keep record of all the costs of running the gin.

Talking with Messrs. Tyler and Sorey from Higley, the district has agreed to sign up based on one dollar an acre for the association.  All but two farmers have agreed to join Chandler.  They live up against the mountain.

Mr. Loftus of the Chandler Improvement Company spoke on the need for the farmers to advertise the cotton gin here and around the valley, but not take from other associations.  He also favors installing a compress and oil mill to get two dollars more per bale.

This led to a general discussion of the cotton industry, and one man said that he knew two brokers in Boston would be willing to sample the cotton, and if up to standard may purchase more.

All those who attended signed the contracts.  It was also decided Messrs. Gordon and Johnson would roam the valley for more growers.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/20/1913)

-Directors of the association met Monday evening in the Arizonan offices.  The secretary was voted a salary, and Manager Peabody will get $50 for salary and expenses.  It was also decided to give $300 to the bank to secure sufficient funds to run the association.

Mr. Peabody gave a report on his trip through the south.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/11/1913) 

-The sample of cotton seed sent to the Western Engineering Company of Dallas contains 46 gallons of oil, and is more than southern cotton by about 10 gallons.  They used the cold compress test for testing the seed.  The going rate is 59 cents per gallon for the oil.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/1/1913)

-At a meeting called on Sunday, both secretary Lee S. Parke and manager George T. Peabody resigned.

Mr. Johnson, president, called the meeting to order.  After the reading of the previous minutes and approval, and a few bills being passed and audited, Secretary Parke put in his resignation.  Mr. Parke has accepted a position with the U.S. Reclamation Service.

Mr. Peabody gave a short talk, and put in his resignation due to getting a job with the Chandler Improvement Company.

After some discussion, it was decided to merge the two positions, and elect D.M. Arnold to the job.  He will also be representative to the central association.

No other business was before the association, so adjournment was called.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/8/1913)

-P.H. Partridge of the St. Louis Cotton Exchange has requested sample of Egyptian cotton grown here so it could be tested for value.  He wants to compete for the valley's market.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/15/1913)


Here are references to the group from the Chandler Arizonan newspaper in reference to Guy Tyler, who was secretary-treasurer of the East Chandler Water Users Assn. 


 -At the first meeting of the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association, Mr. Tyler pledged to grow a certain amount of cotton this year.

The second meeting, Mr. Tyler is made a member of the advisory board which will later become the board of directors.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/28/1913)

-Mr. Tyler is one of the board of directors for the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association.  He was named to the board at a meeting held last Sunday where the by-laws were written and elections held.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/25/1913)