1929 Chandler City Directory

1929 Chandler City Directory


















Pace, W. H.: superintendent, Alfalfa Milling Co.; residence, Mesa
Parke, Agnes H.: teacher, Chandler High School; home, 114 N. Colorado
Parrish, Donald: bicycle repair, 188 E. Boston; residence, 1 1/4 mile south of city
Parrish, Earl P.: second-hand goods, 198 E. Boston; residence, 1 1/4 miles southeast of city
Parrish, Earl P. Jr.: clerk, E. P. Parrish
Pate, Jewel: clerk, J. M. Meason; residence, north Dakota
Payne, Chester 288 N. Dakota (written as Chesterr)
Payne, Harold: residence, 288 N. Dakota
Payne, Mollie (widow, W.W.): home, 288 N. Dakota
Peace, Willard: foreman, Vaughn Lumber Co.; residence, 115 S. Oregon
PECOS MILLING CO.: 1/2 miles southeast of city
Peeper, William (Amanda E.): home, 244 N. California
Pendleton, Harry: mechanic, H. S. Kerby
Pfendler, Fredk: stenographer, Chandler Improvement Co.; residence, Plaza Hotel
Phelps, Orson A. (Rebecca A.): home, 245 N. Dakota
Phelps, Rebecca Mrs.: teacher, Chandler Grade School; residence, 245 N. Dakota
Phelps, Winona: teacher, Chandler Grade School
Phillips, Ruth H. Mrs.: stenographer, Chandler Improvement Co.; residence, 144 W. Boston
Phyle, George (Alita): mechanic; home, 313 N. Colorado
PLAZA HOTEL: Mrs. Martha Stow, manager, 2 W. Boston, corner of San Marcos Place, Tel 47
PLAZA, THE: San Marcos Place, corner of Arizona Ave., Buffalo and Boston
Pleasant: Frances: 373 N. Dakota (written Francesr)
Pleasant, William P. (Ethel): carpenter, home, 373 N. Dakota
Plumb, Theora: bookkeeper, Bank of Chandler; residence, 3 miles southeast of city
Plumb , W. L.: foreman, Chandler Improvement Co.; residence, 2 1/2 miles south of city
Pollard, Lena M. Mrs.: teacher, Chandler High School
Polley, Maude S.: teacher, Chandler Junior High School
POPULAR STORE THE: L. P. Serrano & Bros Props, department store, 26 E. Boston; Tel 110; branches at Gilbert and Casa Grande
Porter, J. S.: clerk, O. S. Stapley Co.
Post Office: W. W. Jett, postmaster; 93 W. Boston
Price, Arthur E. (Louise): lawyer, 6 San Marcos Place; home, 100 N. Washington
Price, Fred: teller, Bank of Chandler; residence, Plaza Hotel
Prideau, A. J.: baker, Chandler Bakery
Pyle, G. W. Mrs.:  stenographer, Mrs. L. M. Handley; residence, north Colorado
Pymes, Cubbie: clerk, post office; residence, Goodyear


Rae, Emma: curios, San Marcos Hotel
RAILWAY EXPRESS AGENCY INC.: W. S. Caudill, agent; 28 San Marcos Pl.
Ransom, Robert: salesman, San Marcos Fairways and San Marcos in the Desert; residence, 1 3/4 miles southwest of city
Ray, Nellie: teacher, Chandler Grade School
Reese, John T.: garage, 101 E. Commonwealth Ave.; residence, 250 N. Delaware
RELIABLE HARDWARE CO.: Alva T. Morgareidge, manager; hardware, china ware, furniture, stoves, paints, linoleum; 17 W. Boston, Tel 11
Roach, Helen M. Mrs.: teacher, public school
Roberts, Louie W.: residence, 204 S. Oregon
Roberts, Rose E. Mrs.: home, 204 S. Oregon
Robertson, John T. (Mamie): golf professional, San Marcos Hotel; home, 68 N. Oregon
Robinson, Grace P. Mrs.: restaurant manager, San Marcos Hotel
Robinson, William H. (Grace P.): author; home, San Marcos Hotel
Rodgers, Britton M. (Jolie): foreman, Chandler Ginning Co.; home, 301 N. Dakota
Rodriguez, Angela; clerk, R. L. Jennings; residence, 101 E. Boston
Rodriguez, Casimiro (Elinor): laborer; home, rear, 111bS. Washington
Roundtree, Winfred: clerk, Safe-Way Pay'n Takit Stores; residence, 311 N. Dakota
Rountree, Guy H. (Minnie): janitor; home, 320 N. Dakota
Rowland, Creed; residence, 54 W. Boston
Rowland, Jeanette C. Mrs.: home, 54 W. Boston
Rucker, Robert (Hazel); home, 288 N. California



SAFE-WAY PAY'N TAKIT STORES: Clarence Fisher manager; groceries, 10 San Marcos Place
Salladay, James F. (Rose): rancher and mayor, Town of Chandler; home, 151 N. California
Salsman, A. H.: cook, San Marcos Hotel
Saltsman, Harry A.: telegraph operator, Southern Pacific Co.; home, 554 S. California
Sandoval, Peter (Pomposa): billiards, 27 E. Boston
SAN MARCOS FAIRWAYS: Chandler Improvement Co., developers; homesite estates, 2 San Marcos Place, Tel 16 or 25
SAN MARCOS FAIRWAYS GOLF CLUB, west of San Marcos Hotel, Tel 153
SAN MARCOS HOTEL: Mrs. G. P. Robinson, manager; 25 San Marcos Place, Tel. 49
SAN MARCOS HOTEL CO.: A. J. Chandler, president; J. E. DeSouza, secretary-treasurer; 2 San Marcos Place, Tel 16 or 25
SAN MARCOS IN THE DESERT, Chandler Improvement Co., developers, Desert Homes Estates, 2 San Marcos Place, Tel 16 or 25
Saunders, J. Paul (Myrtle E.): home, 326 N. Dakota
Sawyer, Lynn (Ethel): electrical engineer; home, north Washington
Scallings, John D.: clothes presser, William Juneman; residence, west Boston
Schildman, John A.: bookkeeper, San Marcos Hotel; residence, Phoenix
Schnaiter, W. Fredk (Marie): serviceman, Central Arizona Light & Power Co.; home, 333 N. Colorado
Seaver, Anna N. Mrs.: principal, Chandler Grammar School; residence, Plaza Hotel
Sellers, Martha E. (widow S. S.): home, 200 S. California
Sellers, Robert P.: justice of the peace; home, 107 N. California
Sellers, Samuel: clerk, W. H. Lang
Serrano, Albert P. (Dolores):  (L.P. Serrano & Bros.); residence, north California
Serrano, Charles (L.P. Serrano & Bros.): residence, 217 W. Boston
Serrano, George P. (Sarah); (L.P. Serrano & Bros.); home, 117 W. Boston
SERRANO, L.P. & BROS (L.P. Serrano, A. P. Serrano, Charles Serrano, George P. Serrano); proprietors, The Popular Store, 26 E. Boston
Serrano, Louis P. (Maria L.); (L.P. Serrano & Bros.); home, 102 W. Boston
Shackelford, William: machinist, Chandler Machine Works; home, rear, 166 E. Boston
Shearer, J. Marion (Myrtle): manager, J. D. Halstead Lumber Co.; home, 233 W. Washington
Shee, Lee: groceries, 7 S. Arizona
Shepherd, Robert L. (Mary): barber, C. R. Beatty; home, 120 W. Boston
Shine, Edgar S.: pharmacy, White Cross Drug Co.
Shrewsbury, J. Homer (Alice): (Arrow Pharmacy); home, 39 S. Washington
Sierras, Francis; residence, south Colorado
Sigman, James L. (Mabel): chauffeur; home, 300 S. Oregonb
Sigmond, Isaac N. (Sallie): laborer; home, 258 N. Dakota
Sing, Ju: groceries, south Colorado
Sinks, James W. (Beatrice): billiards, 80 San Marcos Place; home, 200 W. Boston
Skousen, J. Grant (Rhoda): salesman, Goff Motor Co.; home, south California
Skousen, James G. (Mary): mechanic; home, 265 S. Dakota
Slack, R. Earl (Nellie M.): salesman; home, 297 S. Dakota
Smith, Joseph (Okla A.): home, 165 S. Dakota
Smith, Joseph H. (Lucy): constable; home, 112 S. California
Smith, Thomas (Pauline): auto mechanic; home, 135 N. California
Snyder, Ralph A. (Blanche): telegraph operator; home, 343 N. California
SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO.: H. M. Hale; agent; Delware, corner of Commonwealth Ave.
Sparks, Joseph F. (Maude): meats, 36 San Marcos Place; home, 200 S.Dakota
Sparks, Willa: stenographer, Chandler Improvement Co.; residence, 200 S. Dakota
Spilsbury, G. Chauncey: manager, Alfalfa Milling Co.; resident of Mesa
Stamper, Clark: millman, J. D. Halstead Lumber Co.
STANDARD OIL CO.: W. R. Wood, supply agent; east Boston, corner of Delaware
STAPLEY, O.S. CO. INC.: Henry Egly, manager;  agricultural implements, 46 E. Boston
Stevens, Alvin W. (Mollie): mechanic, Goff Motor Co.; home 283 S. California
Stevens, Flora: residence, 295 S. Oregon
Stevens, Samuel D. (Julia): groceries, 9 W. Boston; home, 295 S. Oregon
Stevens, Willie (widow, Bert): home, 295 S. Oregon
Stevenson, Shadrick E. Rev. (Maggie): pastor, First Baptist Church; home, 121 S. Dakota
Stewart, Charles D. (Ceceiia R.): home, 121 N. Colorado
Stewart, John V. (Ava): rancher; home, 238 N. California
Stewart, Louis F. (Pearl): mechanic, S. D. Butterfield; home, north Dakota
Stewart, Margaret K.: managing secretary, Chandler Chamber of Commerce; residence, 144 W. Boston
Stewart, Virgil (Rosella): home, 108 S. California
Stiles, Alice (widow, Philomon); home, north Colorado
Stiles, George L.: sales manager, San Marcos Fairways and San Marcos in the Desert; residence,  1 3/4 mile southwest of city
Stillwell Jacob A. (Alma): home, 247 N. Dakota
Stow, Mark: painter; residence, Plaza Hotel
Stow, Mary Mrs.: manager, Plaza Hotel; home, 2 W. Boston
Straus, Albert P. (Thelma): manager, Menhennet Theatre; home, 128 N. Colorado
Straus, Thelma: bookkeeper, Bank of Chandler; residence, 128 N. Colorado
Streblow, A.: cook, San Marcos Hotel
Sturgeon, E. A.: chauffeur, E. C. Grasty


Tate, Charles F. (Lesbie A.): carrier, Post Office; home, 385 N. California
Tate, Lucille: stenographer, Chandler Improvement Co.; residence, 385 N. California
Taylor, William T. (Frances E.): rancher; home, 291 S. Oregon
Terrill, Everett L.: barber, George Henry; residence, 1 3/4 miles northeast of city
Thornton, Clayton (Edna): home, 271 N. Dakota
Tierney, Ross: salesman, Central Arizona Light & Power Co.; residence, west Boston, corner of Dakota
Tyler, Robert M. (Charlotte): home, 261 N. Washington


Underhill, Amon (Vera): salesman; home, 87 N. Oregon


Valdez, Jose (Lupe): home, south Colorado
Valencia, Mary Mrs.: home, south Colorado
Vance, Marva: teacher, Chandler Grade School
VAUGHN LUMBER CO.: W. G. Vaughn, manager; 181 S. Washington
Vaughn, W. Gentry (Gladys): councilman and manager of Vaughn Lumber Co.; home, 115 S. Oregon
Veatch, Varley N. (Willie): clerk, O. S. Stapley Co.; home, 392 N. Dakota
Vest, Bertha Mrs.: teacher, Chandler Junior High School, 351 N. California
Vest, Robert H. (Bertha): bookkeeper; home, 351 N. California


Waddle, Bessie L. (widow, J. A.): home, rear, 147 S. Oregon
Waddle, Clifton (Eloise): chauffeur, Chandler Bakery; residence, A. J. Campbell
Waddle, Robert: chauffeur, Chandler Bakery; residence, A. J. Campbell
Wagner, Richard H. (Louise): home, 552 S. California
Wah, George Y. (Wong S.): groceries, 13 E. Boston
Walker, Bailey J. (Rachel): home, 201 S. California
Walker, Bailey W. (Pennie): farmer,  home, 313 N. Colorado
Walker, John H.: residence, 313 N. Colorado
Walker, Mack C.: farmer, residence, 313 N. Colorado
Walker, Mitchell: residence, 313 N. Colorado
Walter, Jonas H.: watchmaker, 140a E. Boston
Wann Erwin: bookkeeper; residence, 199 W. Boston
Wann, Mildred: residence, 199 W. Boston
Wann, Thomas G. (Hattie): home, 199 W. Boston
Ward, Robert E. (Josephine): councilman; home, 201 S. Oregon
West, James W. (Mary E.): home,  306 N. Dakota
WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.: H. M. Hale, manager; Delaware, corner of Commonwealth Ave.
Whatley Irving A.: residence 291 S. Oregon
WHITE CROSS DRUG CO. (O. G. Johnson, I. L. Gibson): 1 San Marcos Place
Williams, Aleda: teacher, Chandler Grade School
Williams, Blanche: beauty shop, San Marcos Hotel
Willis, Irene: teacher, public school
Willis, Melvin: home, 23 N. Oregon
Windes, Alice B.: teacher, Chandler Grade School
Womack, Leland: clerk, Safe-Way Pay'n Takit Stores
Wood, William R. (Lucille M.): supply agent, Standard Oil Co.; home 35 N. Oregon
Worley, Arthur B. (Dora T.): carpenter; home, 297 S. Callifornia
Worley, Leola: music teacher, 297 S. California
Wright, R. L.: police


Yontz, Audrey: residence, 399 N. California
Yontz, Ralph E. (Nettie): watchmaker; home, 399 N. California
Yontz, Ralph E. Jr.: chemist; residence, 399 N. California
Yontz, Sydney: residence, 399 N. California


Zahnder, John: laborer; residence, 120 S. Oregon



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