McGaughey, J.
McGaughey, J.
CHILDREN: William McGaughey, Otto McGaughey
Mr. McGaughey with his two sons, William and Otto, and H.T. Armistead, want to lease long term 1,000 acres to go into farming extensively.
They would like the land in one tract, but will do two close together. Part in alfalfa and part brush is fine, but if no home then improved would be preferred.
They've been successfully farming in the district for over a year. (Chandler Arizonan 8/15/1913)
Mr. McGaughey has sold his 8,250 pounds of seed alfalfa to John Andersen for $907. Mr. Andersen says it's the best he's ever seen. The threshing was done by G.A. Steele. (Chandler Arizonan 8/15/1913)