Merrell, Robert





SIBLINGS: Clara Merrell

-Mr. Merrell is being visited by his mother and sister, Clara.  His sister plans to take a trip to Alaska with a fellow teacher.

Mr. Merrell is a rancher here, and was formerly with the cement plant of Los Angeles aqueduct as a chemist.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/25/1913)

-Mr. Merrell's sister, Clara, was given a party by the Little Moonbeams.  Clara is getting ready to leave for the coast.

On Saturday night, the group met at the Johnson home, and from there went to the Jaycox ranch where they enjoyed the music of Harry Lauder, Melba, and Billy Murray on the Victor Victrola owned by the Jaycox brothers.  After that they went to the Merrell home where light refreshments were served, and a jolly evening was had.

Those who attended were Ruth and Grace Johnson, Clara Merrell, Claude Hanna, Lee Parke, Ralph and Lester Jaycox,  and Paul Johnson.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/1/1913)