Morgareidge, Albert (Alva) T. (F.) (aka A.T.)

Morgareidge, Albert (Alva) T. (F.) (aka A.T.)

Served as a City Councilmember from May 1927 - May 1930. He operated Reliable Hardware at 17 W. Boston Street until the late 1940s

Alva F. is  listed in the 1916 Chandler City Directory as secretary for Monroe Hardware & Supply Co. His wife is Halycon G.

In the 1917 and 1918 directories he appears as manager of Reliable Hardware.

The 1919 and 1920 directories list him as Alva T and still manager or owner of Reliable.

The 1923 directory said Albet (Albert?) was president of Reliable Hardware and that he and Halcyone lived half a mile east on Higley Road.

The 1925 directory also said he was president of Reliable and that he and Halcyone lived on north Oregon. The 1926 directory said he was manager. It also said students Clayton Morgareidge and Kenneth Morgareidge lived with them.

The 1929 directory said he was a councilman and manager of Reliable. His home was at 11 N. Oregon. Kenneth lived with them.

The 1930 directory said he was councilman and manager of Reliable but did not give a home address. But Kenneth and Clayton were listed as living at 115 N. Oregon.

In the 1931 and 1932 directories, he also appears as councilman and manager of Reliable. He and Halcyone lived a half mile southwest of the city. The 1932 Phoenix Telephone Directory, Chandler section, said A. T. Morgareidge lived on south Dakota and had the home phone number 118.